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Complete table of points diet foods


The Diet of Points table shows the score for each food, which must be added throughout the day until the total number of points allowed in the weight loss diet is reached. Making this count is essential to calculate how much you can eat at each meal, as it is not allowed to exceed the total score for the day.

Thus, it is necessary to have the table of points for food to consult whenever you have a meal or plan the menu of the day, combining the foods so that the points allow quality meals and that help in weight loss. See how to calculate the total points allowed per day.

Group 1 - Released foods

This group is made up of foods that have practically no calories, so they do not count points in the diet and can be eaten at will throughout the day. Within this group are:

  • Vegetables: chard, watercress, celery, lettuce, kelp, almond, caruru, chicory, cabbage, brussels sprouts, fennel, endive, spinach, beet leaf, jiló, gherkin, turnip, cucumber, peppers, radish, cabbage, arugula, celery, taioba and tomato; Seasonings: salt, lemon, garlic, vinegar, green smell, pepper, bay leaf, mint, cinnamon, cumin, nutmeg, curry, tarragon, rosemary, ginger and horseradish; Low calorie drinks: coffee, teas and lemon juice without sugar or sweetened with sweeteners, diet sodas and water; Gum and candies without sugar.

Vegetables in this group can be used to increase the volume of meals and bring more satiety, as they are rich in fiber.

Group 2 - Vegetables

Every 2 tablespoons full of vegetables in this group count 10 points in the diet, and they are: pumpkin, zucchini, artichoke, asparagus, eggplant, beet, broccoli, bamboo shoot, bean sprouts, onions, chives, carrots, chayote, mushroom, cauliflower, fresh pea, heart of palm, okra and green beans.

Group 3 - Meat and eggs

Each serving of meat is worth an average of 25 points, it is important to pay attention to the quantity of each type of meat:

Food Portion Points
Egg 1 UND 25
Quail egg 4 UND 25
Meatballs 1 average UND 25
Canned tuna 1 col of soup 25
Ground beef 2 col of soup 25
dried meat 1 col of soup 25
Skinless chicken leg 1 UND 25
Rump or Filet Mignon 100 g 40
Beef steak 100 g 70
Pork chop 100 g 78

Group 4 - Milk, cheese and fats

This group includes milk, cheeses, yogurts, butter, oils and oils, and their score may vary as shown in the following table:

Food Portion Points
Whole milk 200 ml or 1.5 col of soup 42
Skimmed milk 200 ml 21
Whole yogurt 200 ml 42
butter 1 col of shallow tea 15
Oil or olive oil 1 col of shallow tea 15
Milk cream 1.5 col of tea 15
Ricotta 1 large slice 25
Minas cheese 1 medium slice 25
Mozzarella cheese 1 thin slice 25
Creamy cheese 2 col of dessert 25
Parmesan 1 col of shallow soup 25

Group 5 - Cereals

This group includes foods such as rice, pasta, beans, oats, bread and tapioca.

Food Portion Points
Cooked rice 2 col of soup 20
Rolled oats 1 col of soup 20
English potato 1 average UND 20
Sweet potato 1 average UND 20
Cracker cream cracker 3 UND 20
couscous 1 medium slice 20
Wheat flour 2 col of soup 20
Crumbs 1 col of soup 20
Beans, peas, lentils 4 col of soup 20
Cooked noodles 1 cup of tea 20
Loaf bread 1 slice 20
French bread 1 UND 40
Tapioca 2 col of shallow soup 20

Group 6 - Fruits

The following table shows the number of points for each serving of fruit:

Food Portion Score
Pineapple 1 small slice 11
Prune 2 UND 11
Silver banana 1 average UND 11
Guava 1 small UND 11
Orange 1 small UND 11
Kiwi 1 small UND 11
Apple 1 small UND 11
Papaya 1 small slice 11
Mango 1 small UND 11
Tangerine 1 UND 11
Grape 12 UND 11

Advantages and disadvantages

This diet has the advantage of allowing the consumption of any type of food, including sweets and soda, but as long as the score limit is always respected. This also helps to stay steady in the diet for longer, as being able to consume caloric and delicious foods brings a feeling that not all the pleasure that the food brings will be lost.

However, its disadvantage is that the focus of the diet is only on total calories, not being a method where one learns to have a balanced diet, favoring the consumption of healthier foods and balancing nutrients throughout the day.

Complete table of points diet foods