Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for sprain

Home remedy for sprain


An excellent home remedy for sprains is the immersion bath using warm water and essential oils of rosemary and lavender, because they have calming, relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties, being very effective in the treatment of sprains and other joint problems, such as arthritis and arthrosis.


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Method of preparation

Fill a basin with warm water and add the essential oils. If the sprain is the foot, place it in the container and let it soak for approximately 10 minutes. If the affected joint is in another location, moisten a towel with the home remedy and make a compress for the given time.

In addition to soaking the affected region in this solution, it is important to follow all the doctor's or physiotherapist's guidelines for complete remission of symptoms.

See also: Steps to treat ankle sprain at home.

Home remedy for sprain