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How to get pregnant with twins


The twins happen in the same family due to genetic predisposition but there are some external factors that can contribute to a twin pregnancy, such as taking a medication that stimulates ovulation or through in-vitro fertilization.

When a man has a twin, it does not mean that his wife will have twins, because the genetic factor is totally dependent on the woman.

Likely to get pregnant with twins

Not every woman can get pregnant with twins naturally, because the main factor in making this happen is that she is the twin of another brother or sister. In this case, the woman will mature 2 eggs at once, and will have twin, but not identical, children.

The chances of having identical twins are the same for all women, because in this case, initially there was only one egg that was fertilized by a sperm, but in the first hours of conception, it divided into 2, giving rise to two identical babies, not being influenced by genetics, occurring by chance.

Remedies for getting pregnant with twins

Pregnancy remedies, such as Clomiphene, are not only prescribed for women to become pregnant with twins. This type of medication is prescribed to stimulate ovulation, during a fertility treatment, which lasts many months, and which should always be directed by doctors specialized in human reproduction.

Tips for getting pregnant with twins

There are some tips that can help increase the chances of having two twin babies, but different at once, such as:

  • Getting pregnant before the age of 35, between the ages of 18 and 30 the eggs are healthier, with better conditions to maintain a healthy pregnancy until the end; Getting pregnant near menopause, between the ages of 40 and 50, because at this stage the increase in estrogen can cause the body to release more than one egg at the same time; Make treatment to get pregnant, with medication or in vitro fertilization; Try to get pregnant as soon as you stop taking the contraceptive, because in the first 3 cycles the body is still adjusting and there is more chance of releasing more than one egg; Eat more yams and sweet potatoes, because it helps women ovulate more and better.

Facts not proven by science

Taking folic acid does not guarantee the pregnancy of twins, because this is a dietary supplement suitable for all women who are trying to conceive or who are already pregnant to protect the formation of the baby's nervous system.

Eating more dairy products like milk, yogurt, butter and cheese are good sources of calcium, but there is no scientific evidence that it can interfere with ovulation;

Sexual positions also do not interfere with the ability to get pregnant with twins because the most important thing is for the woman to have 2 eggs at the same time in the tubes and this cannot be achieved during sexual contact, since it is not because more sperm arrive that the woman will get pregnant with twins.

How is the pregnancy of twins

Twin pregnancies are considered risky pregnancies because there is a greater risk of preterm birth and eclampsia, which is a dangerous rise in blood pressure.

Because of this, the pregnant woman with twins must have some special care during pregnancy, such as attending all prenatal consultations and having a balanced diet. Sometimes the obstetrician indicates that the woman needs to rest at around 30 weeks of gestation, so that babies can grow and gain enough weight to be born healthy.

Difference between univitelino and bivitelino twins

Univithelinous twins (equal)

Bivitelline twins (different)

There are two types of twins, the same which are the univitelinos, and the different twins, which are the bivitelinos.

In the pregnancy of univitelino twins, babies share the same genetic information, having only slight differences from each other, such as fingerprints, for example. In this case, the egg was fertilized by just one sperm and the formed egg splits in two, giving rise to 2 identical babies.

But in the pregnancy of bivitelino twins, babies are different, being able to be a boy and a girl. In this case, there was maturation of 2 eggs that were fertilized by 2 different sperm.

That way, twins can be:

  • Univitelinos: They share the same placenta and are equal Bivitelinos: Each one has its placenta and they are different

Despite being uncommon, there is a possibility that women will have a new ovulation after a few days of fertilization, becoming pregnant with twins with days or weeks between them. In this case the twins will be bivitelinos.

How to get pregnant with twins