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5 Rules for doing intimate hygiene and avoiding diseases


Intimate hygiene is very important and must be done properly so as not to harm the woman's intimate health.

The vagina has its own pH with a slight acidity that must be maintained, so it is not advisable to perform vaginal douching, use inappropriate products or do a total hair removal, for example, as these are habits that cause an imbalance in pH and natural vaginal flora, which can lead to the development of vaginal irritations, infections or mycoses.

Rules for good intimate hygiene and disease avoidance

1. Wash the outer region of the vagina with intimate soap

Intimate soaps like Lucretin, Dermacyd or Intimus, for example, are good options, however these should not be used all the time as they also end up damaging the vaginal flora. In addition, if possible, these soaps should not be applied directly to the intimate area and the amount to be used should be minimal, and it is recommended, if possible, to put the product in the water to be washed with.

2. Do not use vaginal douching

Vaginal showers should also be avoided, as they can alter the pH and the vaginal flora, making the vagina more susceptible to infection. However, in some cases, where there is an infection or where the pH is altered, it may be necessary to perform a vaginal shower, but only if recommended by the doctor.

3. Do not use baby wipes or perfumed toilet paper

Wet wipes should only be used in cases of extreme need, when you are away from home, for example, and a few times a day, because when used in excess they can cause dryness in the vagina and irritations, eliminating the natural lubrication of the skin.

4. Wear cotton underwear

Underwear is another factor that influences hygiene, as underwear made of synthetic materials makes it difficult for the skin to sweat and increase the accumulation of sweat, which increases the appearance of diseases such as candidiasis or other vaginal infections. Thus, cotton panties should be preferred, which should be changed daily or after washing or showering. See candidiasis symptoms.

5. Don't overdo the epilation

Doing total hair removal or using razor and hair removal products more than 3 times a week is also not recommended because it damages your intimate health.

Total hair removal favors the growth of microorganisms and causes greater vaginal discharge, facilitating the appearance of diseases, and hair removal with razor and hair removal products destroy the protective layer of the skin and contribute to reducing its natural lubrication.

Hygiene after intimate contact

After intimate contact, it is important to always perform good intimate hygiene to avoid infections or illnesses. Immediately after intimate contact, one should try to urinate to avoid the appearance of urinary infections and immediately afterwards one should wash the intimate region with plenty of water and just a little intimate soap, and change panties or daily protector.

In addition, people who are in the habit of using lubricants, should avoid those that are based on oil or silicone, as they do not come out easily with water, which can harm the vaginal flora, hindering intimate hygiene and promoting the proliferation of fungi and other microorganisms.

Another important precaution is to change the daily protector daily and, in cases of heavy discharge, it should be changed more than once a day. The woman should also always be aware of any gynecological changes and inform the gynecologist if she smells different, yellow or greenish discharge, itching or burning, as these can be signs of candidiasis, genital herpes or urinary infection, for example, that need treatment. Learn how to treat urinary tract infection.

The lack of adequate intimate hygiene can cause inflamed lumps to appear on the skin, especially in the groin, armpits and anus, which can lead to the occurrence of a serious disease called suppurative hydrosadenitis.

5 Rules for doing intimate hygiene and avoiding diseases