Tafinlar is a medication to treat melanoma, the most aggressive and dangerous type of skin cancer.
Tafinlar is composed of Dabrafenib, a compound that treats only melanomas with a mutation in a specific gene called BRAF and that has already spread to other parts of the body or that cannot be removed by surgery.
Tafinlar is indicated for the treatment of melanoma.
Where to buy
Tafinlar can be purchased at pharmacies and requires a prescription.
How to take
You should take 2 75 mg capsules, which should be administered twice a day according to the instructions given by the doctor.
The capsules should be swallowed whole, together with a glass of water, without breaking or chewing and should not be taken with food. Therefore, after taking Tafinlar you must wait at least 1 hour before eating or if you have eaten before, you must wait 2 hours before taking the medicine.
Side effects
Some of the side effects of Tafinlar may include fever, thickening of the skin, growth of warts, redness and swelling in the palms, fingers and soles of the feet, headache, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, decreased appetite, chills, feeling of weakness, lack of energy, pain in the joints, muscles or hands or feet, cough, hair loss, constipation, flu or increased blood sugar.
Tafinlar is contraindicated for the treatment of patients with melanoma who do not have a change in the BRAF gene and for patients with an allergy to Dabrafenib or any of the components of the formula.