Home Symptoms What is menopause and why it is not the same as menopause

What is menopause and why it is not the same as menopause


The climacteric is the transition period in which the woman moves from the reproductive phase to the non-reproductive phase, being marked by a progressive decrease in the amount of hormones produced, which leads to the appearance of some symptoms such as hot flashes, altered sexual desire, tiredness and alteration of the menstrual cycle.

The climacteric usually begins between the ages of 40 and 45 and lasts until the last menstruation, which corresponds to the beginning of menopause, in which the woman reaches the non-reproductive phase.

Climacteric symptoms

The signs and symptoms of climacteric usually appear between the ages of 40 and 45, the main ones being:

  • Sudden hot flashes; Decreased libido and pain during sexual intercourse; Irregular menstruation; Frequent changes in mood; Insomnia; Sweating; Irritability; Tiredness; Anxiety; Muscle and joint pain.

These symptoms usually appear up to 3 years before the last menstrual period, and can be interpreted as being a signal from the body that menopause is near. Know other symptoms indicative of climacteric.

To confirm that the woman is in the climacteric, the gynecologist indicates that the hormones are dosed periodically so that the rate of production of these hormones is observed, in addition to assessing the regularity of the menstrual flow, thus being able to determine the best treatment.

What is the difference between Climacteric and Menopause?

Although they are often used interchangeably, climacteric and menopause are different situations. The climacteric corresponds to the transition period between the woman's reproductive and non-reproductive phase, while menopause is characterized by the occurrence of the last menstrual period, indicating that the woman's hormonal production is insufficient to maintain reproductive function.

As in the final climacteric period, it is normal for the woman to remain without menstruation and, therefore, menopause is only considered when the woman is at least 12 months without menstruating. Learn all about menopause.

Climacteric treatment

Climacteric symptoms can be quite uncomfortable and directly interfere with the woman's quality of life. For this reason, gynecologists can recommend hormone replacement therapy, with the aim of regulating hormone levels and thus relieving the symptoms of climacteric.

In addition, it is important that women adopt good habits, such as the adoption of a healthy and balanced diet, low in sweets and fats, and the practice of physical activities, because in addition to relieving the symptoms of this period, they promote well-being. and reduce the risk of some diseases, especially breast cancer, heart and bone diseases, which are more common in postmenopausal women.

What is menopause and why it is not the same as menopause