- Indications for Tensuril
- Tensuril Price
- Side effects of Tensuril
- Contraindications for Tensuril
- How to use Tensuril
Tensuril is an antihypertensive that has diazoxide as its active substance.
This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure, since its action causes the dilation of blood vessels and decreases the resistance on them, thus the blood pressure tends to decrease and remain stable.
Indications for Tensuril
High pressure.
Tensuril Price
The Tensuril 300 mg box containing a 20 ml ampoule can cost between 45 and 55 reais.
Side effects of Tensuril
Nausea; vomiting; pressure fall; dizziness; increased blood glucose; dizziness; weakness; somnolence; noise in the ear; change in taste; lack of appetite; pain in the abdomen; dry mouth.
Contraindications for Tensuril
Pregnancy risk C; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.
How to use Tensuril
Injectable use
Adults and children
Administer from 1 to 3 mg of Tensuril per kg of body weight, every 5 to 15 minutes, until blood pressure is stable. The daily dose should not exceed 150 mg.