Home Bulls 8 Ways to Fight Panic Syndrome Naturally

8 Ways to Fight Panic Syndrome Naturally


The natural treatment for Panic Syndrome can be done through relaxation techniques, physical activity, acupuncture, yoga and the use of natural herbs through aromatherapy and tea consumption.

This syndrome is characterized by a high level of anxiety and panic attacks that suddenly appear, causing symptoms such as cold sweat, heart palpitations, dizziness, tingling and body tremors. Attacks usually last about 10 minutes, but can be prevented through natural treatments as shown below.

Relaxation techniques are used to calm the body and distract the mind from panic attacks and can be used daily or during the first signs of a crisis. Among the techniques are:

1. Slow and deep breathing

Breathing slowly and deeply helps to alleviate shortness of breath and reduce heart rate, and you should follow these steps:

  • Sit with your spine erect or stand with your body straight; Close your eyes and place your hands on your belly; Inhale the air counting to 5 slowly, puffing your belly to fill it with air; Exhale the air also counting to 5 slowly, releasing the air in the belly and contracting the muscles of this region.

This process should be repeated 10 times or for 5 minutes.

2. Imagine a safe place

To use this visualization technique, one must think of a real place that transmits peace and security or create an imaginary environment, thinking of all the details that help to bring tranquility.

Thus, it is important to think and describe details such as the sensation of the breeze on the body, the smell of the sea, the noise of a waterfall, the softness of a rug or sofa, the song of birds and the color of the sky. The more details, the more security the mind will feel, facilitating the improvement of panic attack symptoms.

3. Yôga

Yoga is a practice that combines stretching, breathing control and muscle strengthening. Regular yoga practice relieves stress and anxiety, helping to prevent panic attacks.

In addition, learned postures and breathing control techniques help to relieve tension in the body at the time of a crisis, regulating breathing, heart rate and helping the mind to move out of fear and dread.

4. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy uses essential oils from plants that stimulate different areas of the brain and reduce anxiety, and can be used through massage oils, during the bath or through a diffuser that releases the aroma in the room.

To treat panic disorder, the most suitable oils are the essential oil of cedar, lavender, basil and Ylang Ylang, which have calming and antidepressant properties, helping to regulate the heartbeat and relax the muscles. See how to use the oils in: Aromatherapy for anxiety.

5. Pilates

Pilates is an exercise that works on all regions of the body, helping to strengthen muscles and tendons and regulate breathing.

This technique relieves anxiety mainly due to the control of breathing, and helps to combat the symptoms of panic syndrome by increasing motor coordination and body awareness, facilitating overcoming fear during a crisis.

6. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a Chinese therapy that helps to regulate body energies and calm the mind, reducing stress, anxiety and muscle tension and pain.

The frequency and type of technique used in acupuncture varies according to the symptoms presented by the patient, but weekly sessions are usually used at the beginning of treatment, which can be spaced out as anxiety and panic attacks decrease.

7. Physical activity

Physical exercises, especially aerobic activities such as cycling and walking, help to release body tension and stress, being directly related to the prevention of panic attacks.

Thus, to reduce anxiety one should practice activities such as swimming, walking, cycling or other sports that bring pleasure at least 3 times a week, it is also important to eat healthy and sleep at least 7 hours a day.

8. Soothing teas

Some plants have calming properties and can be consumed in the form of tea, helping to reduce anxiety. Thus, to control and prevent panic attacks, you can use plants such as valerian, chamomile, passionflower, lemon balm and Gotu Kola. See how to use these plants and other natural tranquilizers here.

However, in more severe cases it may be necessary to have treatment with a psychiatrist in behavioral therapy and psychotherapy sessions, just as it may be necessary to take some medications such as Alprazolam or Paroxetine. See what remedies can be used in Remedies to Treat Panic Syndrome.

Also, to quickly overcome a crisis, see what to do during a panic attack.

8 Ways to Fight Panic Syndrome Naturally