- How to do HIIT light training
- Exercise 1: Push-up with supported knees
- Exercise 2: Squats with ball
- Exercise 3: Elastic arm extension
- Exercise 4: Elevated bridge
- Exercise 5: Front board
A good workout to burn fat in a short time is the HIIT workout which consists of a set of high intensity exercises that eliminate localized fat in just 30 minutes a day in a faster and more fun way.
This training should be introduced gradually and, therefore, it is divided into 3 phases, the light, moderate and advanced phase to allow a gradual adaptation of the body to the intensity of the exercise, avoiding muscle and joint injuries. Thus, it is advisable to advance the stage each month to maintain the effort and enhance muscle growth.
Before starting any phase of HIIT training, it is recommended to do 10 minutes of global warming to prepare the heart, muscles and joints.
How to do HIIT light training
The light phase of HIIT training is indicated for those who do not train often and should be done 3 times a week, allowing at least one day of rest between each workout.
Thus, on each exercise day it is recommended to do 5 sets of 15 repetitions of each exercise, resting 2 minutes between each set and the minimum possible time between exercises.
Exercise 1: Push-up with supported knees
Flexion is a type of exercise that helps to increase muscle strength in your arms and tone your stomach. To do the flexion you must:
- Lie on the floor with your stomach down; Place your palms on the floor and spread out at shoulder level. Lift your belly off the floor and keep your body straight, supporting your weight on your knees and hands; Bend your arms until you touch with chest on the floor and rise, pushing the floor with the strength of your arms;
During this exercise it is important to prevent the hip from being below the body line to avoid back injuries, so it is important to keep the abdominals contracted throughout the exercise.
Exercise 2: Squats with ball
The ball squat exercise is important to develop muscle mass and flexibility in the legs, abdominal, buttocks, lower back and hips. To do the squat correctly you must:
- Place a Pilates ball between your back and a wall; Keep your legs shoulder-width apart and put your hands forward; Bend your legs and put your hips back, until they form a 90 degree angle with your knees, and then go up.
Squatting with a ball can also be done by holding a weight close to your chest, if it is not possible to use a Pilates ball, however, in this case you should not be leaning against the wall.
Exercise 3: Elastic arm extension
The elastic arm extension is a great way to increase the muscle strength of the arm muscles, especially the biceps and triceps. To do this exercise you must:
- Place one end of the elastic under the heels and hold the other end with one hand behind the back; Stretch the arm that is holding the elastic, keeping the elbow immobile and then return to the starting position; Change arms after the 15 repetitions.
To do this exercise it is recommended to use a rubber band long enough to reach from the feet to the shoulders without being stretched. However, if it is not possible to use the elastic, you can hold a weight with the hand of the arm behind your back.
Exercise 4: Elevated bridge
The bridging exercise with elevation helps to strengthen the thigh, back and butt muscles and to be done correctly you must:
- Lie on the floor with your hands along your body, with your legs bent and slightly apart; Lift your butt as much as possible without moving your feet and return to the starting position.
To increase the intensity of this exercise it is possible to place a step or a pile of books under your feet.
Exercise 5: Front board
The front plank is an excellent exercise to work all the muscles of the abdominal region without harming your spine or posture. To do watch:
After finishing this phase of HIIT training to burn fat, start the next phase at: