- How to do intermediate HIIT training
- Exercise 1: Push-ups with balance plate
- Exercise 2: Weight squat
- Exercise 3: Triceps with chair
- Exercise 4: Rowing with a bar
- Exercise 5: Modified board
A great workout to burn fat in just 30 minutes a day is the HIIT workout, as it combines several high-intensity exercises that enhance muscle work, quickly eliminating localized fat and toning the body faster and more fun.
This type of training should be introduced gradually and, therefore, it should be divided into 3 phases, the light, intermediate and advanced phases to allow a gradual adaptation to the intensity of the exercise, avoiding contractures, stretching and tendonitis, for example. Therefore, it is advisable to start in the light phase and move on to the next phase after 1 month.
Before starting any phase of HIIT training, it is recommended to do at least 5 minutes of running or walking to adequately prepare your heart, muscles and joints for exercise.
If you are going to start training, see the light phase first at: Light training to burn fat.
How to do intermediate HIIT training
The intermediate phase of HIIT training should start about 1 month after starting light training or when you already have some physical preparation and should be done 4 times a week, allowing at least one day of rest between each day of training. training.
Thus, on each training day it is recommended to do 5 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions of each exercise, resting about 90 seconds between each set and the minimum possible time between exercises.
Exercise 1: Push-ups with balance plate
Balance plate flexion is a high-intensity exercise that develops the muscle strength of the arms, chest and abdominal in a short time, especially toning the oblique muscles. To do this type of flexion you must:
- Place the balance plate under your chest and lie on the floor with your stomach down; Grab the sides of the plate to keep your hands shoulder-width apart. Lift your belly off the floor and keep your body straight, resting your weight on your knees and in the hands; Fold the arms until touching the chest near the plate and rise, pushing the floor with the strength of the arms.
During this exercise it is important to prevent the hips from being below the body line to avoid back injuries, it is important to keep the abdominals well contracted throughout the exercise.
In addition, if it is not possible to use a balance plate, the exercise can be adapted, doing the flexion without the plate on the floor, but moving the body towards the right hand, then in the center and, finally, towards the left hand.
Exercise 2: Weight squat
The squat with weight is a very complete exercise to increase the muscular mass in the legs, butt, abdominal, lumbar and hip. To do the squat correctly you must:
- Keep your legs shoulder-width apart and hold a weight with your hands; Bend your legs and put your hips back until they form a 90 degree angle with your knees, and then climb.
Weight squats can also be done by holding a water bottle in your hands. In this way, it is possible to increase the intensity of the exercise according to the amount of water in the bottle.
Exercise 3: Triceps with chair
The triceps exercise with a chair is an excellent intensity training capable of developing, in a short time, all the muscles of the arms. This exercise should be done as follows:
- Sit on the floor in front of a wheelless chair; Put your arms back and hold the front of the chair with your hands; Push your hands tightly and pull your body up, lifting your butt off the floor; Lift your butt up fully extend your arms and then descend without touching your butt on the floor.
If it is not possible to use a chair to do this exercise, other options include using a table, stool, sofa or bed, for example.
Exercise 4: Rowing with a bar
Barbell rowing is a type of exercise that, when done correctly, helps to develop various muscle groups, from the back to the arms and abdominal. To do this exercise you must:
- Stand, slightly bend your legs and lean your torso forward, without bending your back; Hold a barbell, with or without weight, with your arms stretched; Pull the barbell towards your chest until it forms a 90ยบ angle with your arms. elbows and then stretch your arms again.
To do this exercise it is very important to always keep your back very straight to avoid spinal injuries and, therefore, your abdominals must be tightly contracted throughout the exercise.
In addition, if it is not possible to use a weighted bar, a good alternative is to hold a broom stick and add a bucket at each end, for example.
Exercise 5: Modified board
The modified abdominal plank exercise is an excellent way to develop all the muscles in the abdominal region without harming your spine or posture. To do this exercise correctly you must:
- Lie on the floor on your stomach and then lift your body, supporting your weight on your forearms and toes; Keep your body straight and parallel to the floor, with your eyes fixed on the floor; Bend one leg at a time and pull it up near the elbow, without changing the position of the body.
To do any type of abdominal plank it is recommended to keep the abdominal muscles tightly contracted throughout the exercise, preventing the hip from being below the body line, damaging the spine.
See what you need to eat, during and after training to be able to burn fat and increase muscle mass in the video with nutritionist Tatiana Zanin:
After finishing this phase of HIIT training to burn fat, start the next phase at: