- Silicone care on the butt
- How silicone butt surgery is done
- Who can put the silicone on the butt
- Silicone risks in the butt
- Results of silicone butt surgery
Putting silicone on the butt is a great way to increase its size and improve its shape leaving the body contour more beautiful. The surgery to place the silicone in the butt is done with epidural anesthesia, the hospital stay varies between 1 or 2 days and the results can be seen right after the surgery.
Silicone care on the butt
Before placing the silicone on the butt, it is necessary to carry out tests to check the individual's health and make sure it is within its ideal weight.
After the surgery, you should lie on your stomach for approximately 20 days, and depending on the work of the individual he can return to his usual activities in 1 week, but avoiding efforts. Physical activity can be resumed after 4 months of surgery, slowly and gradually.
How silicone butt surgery is done
The surgery is performed under epidural anesthesia and sedation, and takes between 1:30 and 2 hours and is done with an incision between the sacrum and the coccyx (top of the butt) or in the gluteal fold. The surgeon should introduce the prosthesis through an opening between 5 and 7 cm, shaping it as needed.
In general, afterwards, the cut is closed with internal stitches and a special place is used for plastic surgery so that no scar remains.
The doctor should put the shaping brace right after the surgery and it should remain in use for approximately 1 month, and should be removed only for the individual to make his physiological needs and for the bath.
The individual should take painkillers for approximately 1 month to reduce pain. And about 1 time a week you should have 1 session of manual lymphatic drainage to eliminate the swelling and toxins.
Who can put the silicone on the butt
Practically all healthy individuals close to their ideal weight can put the silicone on their butt, as long as the objective is to increase, rear or improve its shape.
Obese individuals or those who are sick should not put the silicone on their buttocks due to the risk of not achieving the desired result. Just like those who have a very flabby and sagging butt, in this case the buttock lift is the most suitable.
Silicone risks in the butt
As with any surgery, placing silicone on the butt also poses risks. Hematoma, hemorrhage, trauma, capsular contracture of the prosthesis and infection are some of these risks.
Performing the surgery in a hospital and with a well-trained team reduces these risks and guarantees good results.
Who has silicone prosthesis can travel by plane and dive at great depths, without the risk of rupture of the prosthesis.
Results of silicone butt surgery
The results of the surgery for placing the silicone prosthesis on the butt are seen immediately after the surgery. But as the area must be very swollen, only after 15 days, when the swelling decreases considerably, will the individual be able to observe better results.
The final result should be seen between 2 and months after the placement of the prosthesis.
In addition to silicone prostheses, there are other surgical options to increase the butt, such as fat grafting, a technique that uses the body's own fat to fill, define and give volume to the butt.