Ursodiol is indicated for the dissolution of gallstones formed by cholesterol or stones in the gallbladder or gallbladder canal and for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis. In addition, this remedy is also indicated for the treatment of symptoms of abdominal pain, heartburn and a full stomach sensation related to gallbladder problems and for the treatment of bile disorders.
This medicine has in its composition ursodeoxycholic acid, an acid naturally present in human bile, which increases the ability of bile to solubilize cholesterol, thus dissolving the stones formed by cholesterol. Ursodiol may also be known commercially as Ursacol.
The price of Ursodiol varies between 150 and 220 reais and can be purchased at pharmacies or online stores.
How to take
It is generally recommended to take doses that vary between 300 and 600 mg per day, depending on the instructions given by the doctor.
Side Effects of Ursodiol
Side effects of Ursodiol may include loose stools, diarrhea, abdominal pain, biliary cirrhosis or hives.
Contraindications for Ursodiol
This medicine is contraindicated for patients with peptic ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, frequent biliary colic, acute inflammation of the gallbladder, gallbladder occlusion, problems in the gallbladder contractility or calcified gallstones and for patients with allergy to ursodeoxycholic acid allergy or to any of the components of the formula.
In addition, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if you have lactose intolerance, you should talk to your doctor before starting treatment.