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Main benefits of cinnamon and how to use


Cinnamon can be used as a medicinal plant because it has properties that improve the health of the individual.

The main benefits of cinnamon include:

  1. Help control diabetes because it improves the use of sugar; Improve digestive disorders such as gas, spasmodic problems and to treat diarrhea due to its antibacterial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect; Combat respiratory tract infections as it has a drying effect on mucous membranes and is a natural expectorant; Decrease fatigue and improve mood because it increases resistance to stress; Help fight cholesterol by the presence of antioxidants; It helps in digestion, especially when mixed with honey because honey has enzymes that facilitate digestion and cinnamon antibacterial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect; Decrease the risk of cancer by containing a high amount of antioxidants that eliminate metabolites and free radicals responsible for various types of disease in the body; Decreases appetite as it is rich in fiber; Reduces fat accumulation because it improves tissue sensitivity to insulin action; It improves intimate contact because it is an aphrodisiac and improves blood circulation, increasing sensitivity and pleasure, which also favors sexual contact.

Cinnamon can be used in different ways, one of them is to sprinkle the powdered cinnamon over desserts, creams, mousses and porridge thus having all the benefits of powdered cinnamon. Another way to consume cinnamon is in the form of tea. Check out the Ginger and Cinnamon Cough recipe.

Check out these benefits in the following video:

Cinnamon Nutritional Information

Components Amount per 100 g of cinnamon
Energy 252 calories
Water 10 g
Proteins 3.9 g
Fats 3.2 g
Carbohydrates 55.5 g
Fibers 24.4 g
Vitamin A 26 mcg
Vitamin C 28 mg
Calcium 1228 mg
Iron 38 mg

To have all the health benefits of cinnamon, just take 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon a day.

How to use cinnamon

The used parts of cinnamon are its bark, found in supermarkets in the form of cinnamon stick, and its essential oil, which can be found in health food stores or drugstores.

A popular way to enjoy the benefits of cinnamon is to use it as a seasoning in meat, fish, chicken and even tofu. To do this, just grind, 2 anise stars, 1 teaspoon of pepper, 1 teaspoon of coarse salt and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. Store the seasoning in the refrigerator and it is ready to use at any time.

Another very popular form is cinnamon tea. To make, place 1 cinnamon stick in a cup of boiling water, allowing to stand for 10 minutes. Then consume up to 3 cups a day, before meals.

Sprinkling 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder on fruit salad or oatmeal is a great strategy to naturally lower blood glucose, being useful in controlling diabetes and for weight loss. Here's how to make the cinnamon diet to lose up to 4 kg per month.

Cinnamon Properties

Cinnamon has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant action, it also stimulates the body's defenses, having antispasmodic, anesthesia and probiotic action. Therefore, cinnamon is good for improving circulation, reducing cholesterol, increasing resistance to stress, improving insulin action, improving mental energy, concentration and personal motivation. It is also good for drying phlegm, is rich in magnesium and controls muscle pain and stiffness.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects of cinnamon include allergies and skin irritation, and should not be consumed in case of gastric or intestinal ulcers. Cinnamon should also not be consumed during pregnancy because it favors uterine contraction that can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Healthy Cinnamon Recipes

Banana and Cinnamon Cake Recipe


  • 5 eggs2 and ¼ cups of wheat flour1 cup of demerara sugar1 tablespoon of baking powder¾ cups of milk tea2 mashed bananas1 cup of oil ½ cup of crushed walnuts

Method of preparation:

Beat the eggs, sugar, milk and oil for about 5 minutes in a blender. Then add the flour and baking powder, beating a little more to mix everything. Finally, pass the dough into a container, add the mashed bananas and crushed walnuts and stir well until the dough is uniform.

Place the dough in a greased pan and place in a preheated oven at 180º until golden brown. Then sprinkle cinnamon on top of the cake.

Baked Apple with Cinnamon Recipe


  • We are a family owned business with over 20 years experience in the industry.

Method of preparation:

Wash the apples and remove the central part, where the stalk and seeds are, but without breaking the apples. Place the apples in an ovenproof dish, placing a cinnamon stick in the center and sprinkling with sugar. Bake at 200ºC for 15 minutes or until the apples are very soft.

Main benefits of cinnamon and how to use