Home Symptoms Natural options to relieve fibromyalgia at home

Natural options to relieve fibromyalgia at home


Some good examples of natural treatments for fibromyalgia are teas with medicinal plants, such as Ginkgo biloba, aromatherapy with essential oils, relaxation massages or increased consumption of some types of food, especially those that are rich in vitamin D and magnesium.

It is important to note that, as fibromyalgia has not yet been cured, all these treatments can be used, but it does not exclude the need to ingest the medicines prescribed by the doctor. See which remedies can be prescribed by the rheumatologist.

1. Fibromyalgia teas

Some teas have excellent properties that improve circulation, relax muscles and remove metabolites from the body, being a great help to relieve pain caused by fibromyalgia and reduce the number of attacks. Some examples of plants that can be used are:

  • Ginkgo biloba; St. John's wort; Golden root; Indian ginseng.

These teas can be used during the day and in combination with each other, as well as with other natural techniques to relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Check out a recipe for using St. John's wort to treat fibromyalgia.

2. Aromatherapy with essential oils

The scent of medicinal plants reaches the olfactory cells and they stimulate certain areas of the brain, producing the desired effect. In the case of fibromyalgia, the most suitable aromatherapy is lavender essence, which produces well-being, calms and relaxes the muscles.

3. Relaxation massage

Therapeutic massage and relaxation massage can increase blood circulation, remove toxins accumulated in muscles, tendons and ligaments, relax, reduce pain and tiredness. When the oil used is grape seed oil, the benefits are even greater, as it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

See how to do a perfect relaxation massage.

4. Diet for fibromyalgia

The diet can also play a very important role in relieving fibromyalgia attacks, because some vitamins and minerals that are very important for the body, such as vitamin D or magnesium, seem to be reduced in most people with fibromyalgia.

Thus, to increase vitamin D levels, foods such as tuna, egg yolk, foods enriched with vitamin D and canned sardines should be bet on. To improve the amount of magnesium, it is important to increase the intake of bananas, avocados, sunflower seeds, milk, granola and oats, for example.

See more complete lists of foods rich in vitamin D and foods rich in magnesium.

Check out some exercises that can relieve pain and discomfort:

Natural options to relieve fibromyalgia at home