Home Home-Remedies Home remedy to remove sebaceous cyst

Home remedy to remove sebaceous cyst


The sebaceous cyst is a lump that forms under the skin on any part of the body and that can move when touched or pressed. See how to identify the sebaceous cyst.

This type of cyst can be removed naturally, by applying oils or gels directly to the cyst, or surgically in the doctor's office under local anesthesia. In addition, it is advisable to compress the area with hot or warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. It is not recommended to try to remove the cyst manually, as it can generate local inflammation and a greater chance of infection.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is a natural plant that has regenerating, hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to treat inflammations and infections. Find out what are the benefits of aloe vera.

Aloe vera gel can be prepared at home or purchased from supermarkets or pharmacies.


  • Aloe vera leaf1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 500mg of vitamin C powder

Method of preparation

Cut the aloe vera leaf and put it in a container for about 10 minutes so that the resin present on the leaf and which can cause irritation is eliminated. Then peel the leaf, remove the gel with a spoon and place in a clean container. Add lemon juice or vitamin C powder, so that the properties of aloe vera are enhanced, mix and then apply to the cyst.

Garlic oil

A good home remedy to remove sebaceous cysts from the skin can be done with oil and some garlic cloves. This oil contains the medicinal properties of garlic that will help the resorption of the cysts through the skin without causing irritation or pain. But its use is indicated only for the removal of sebaceous cyst up to 1 cm in diameter, as the larger ones must be removed through minor surgery.


  • 100 ml of any oil, can be sunflower, canola or other14 cloves of whole garlic and peel

Method of preparation

In a small ceramic pot, place the oil and garlic cloves and cook on low heat for a few minutes until the garlic cloves are cooked, softened and not fried. Then turn off the heat and let it cool, strain the mixture and apply a little oil daily on top of the cyst by doing a small local massage for a few minutes, using circular movements. To complement this homemade treatment, apply a hot water bag over the cyst and let it act for about 10 minutes before applying the oil and after applying the oil.

Attention: It is very important not to use metallic utensils in making this oil or it will not work and never try to squeeze a sebaceous cyst because if this happens, there is a risk of infection and the cyst will increase in size.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used to remove sebaceous cysts, as it has anti-inflammatory properties, in addition to preventing infections. It is recommended to use apple cider vinegar 3 to 4 times a day for a week.

Home remedy to remove sebaceous cyst