Home Symptoms 4 Physiotherapy treatments for fibromyalgia

4 Physiotherapy treatments for fibromyalgia


Physiotherapy is very important in the treatment of fibromyalgia because it helps to control symptoms such as pain, tiredness and sleep disorders, promoting relaxation and increased muscle flexibility.

Physiotherapy can be performed 2 to 4 times a week and treatment should be directed towards relieving the person's symptoms. Physiotherapy treatment for fibromyalgia can be done with:

1. Stretching exercises

Stretching exercises help in the treatment of fibromyalgia because they promote relaxation, improve blood circulation, mobility and muscle flexibility.

A great stretching exercise for fibromyalgia is to lie on your back and bend your knees to your chest, holding the position for about 30 seconds, and then bend your knees to the right side while turning your head to your left arm, which it should be stretched at a 90 degree angle to the body, holding the position for about 30 minutes. The exercise should also be repeated for the other side.

2. Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy, aquatic physiotherapy or aqua therapy, is a therapeutic activity that consists of performing exercises in a pool with water at a temperature of around 34ยบ, with the help of a physiotherapist.

Water allows for greater range of exercise, reducing pain and fatigue and improving sleep quality. This technique strengthens the muscles, increases the amplitude of the joints, improves cardiorespiratory functioning and blood circulation and reduces pain and stress. Learn more about hydrotherapy.

3. Massage

Massages, if performed well, promote muscle relaxation, improve sleep quality, fight fatigue and reduce pain. See other health benefits of massage.

4. Electrotherapy devices

Electrotherapy devices, such as TENS or biofeedback, can be used to reduce pain at the painful points of fibromyalgia and improve local circulation. Find out everything about the TENS device.

Watch the following video and see how to do exercises to feel better:

When in addition to physical therapy, the patient practices walking, pilates, swimming or cycling, the results are even better because these exercises improve cardiorespiratory functioning, decrease pain, improve sleep quality and strengthen muscles, fighting fatigue and tiredness.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease, and treatment is usually done with drugs prescribed by the rheumatologist or neurologist, in addition to physical therapy sessions. However, there are other treatments that can also be done, such as acupuncture, reflexology, sleep therapy, aromatherapy and herbal medicine that help to improve the quality of the patient suffering from fibromyalgia.

Find out how some of these alternative therapies can help: Natural treatment for fibromyalgia.

4 Physiotherapy treatments for fibromyalgia