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Clarify the most common questions about drug testing


The toxicology test is a type of test that detects the consumption of illicit drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine and crack, for example, in the last 6 months, for example, and can be done from the analysis of blood, urine and hair.

This exam is mandatory for anyone who wants to obtain or renew a driver's license in categories C, D and E, and can also be requested in public tenders or as one of the admission or dismissal exams.

Here are the most common questions about toxicology:

1. How is the toxicology test done?

To do the toxicological examination, no type of preparation is necessary, it is only necessary that the person goes to the laboratory that performs this type of examination so that the material is collected and sent for analysis. Detection techniques vary between laboratories and material analyzed, however all methods are safe and there is no chance of false positive results. When the test detects the presence of drugs, the test is done again to confirm the result.

The toxicological examination can be done from the analysis of blood, urine, hair or hair, the latter two being the most used. Learn more about drug testing.

2. Is the toxicology exam only done with hair? And if you don't have hair, how is it done?

Although hair is the most suitable material for the toxicological examination, it can also be done with hair from other parts of the body. That's because after the drug is consumed, it spreads quickly through the bloodstream and ends up nourishing the hair bulbs, making it possible to detect the drug in both hair and hair.

However, if it is not possible to perform the toxicological examination based on the analysis of hair or hair, it is possible that the examination will be carried out based on the analysis of blood, urine or sweat. In the case of blood, for example, drug use is only detected in the last 24 hours, while urine analysis provides information on toxic substance use in the last 10 days, and saliva analysis detects drug use in the last month.

3. What substances are detected?

The toxicological examination detects a series of substances that can interfere with the nervous system and that have been used in the last 90 or 180 days, the main ones being detected:

  • Marijuana and derivatives such as Hash; Amphetamine (Rivet); LSD; Crack; Morphine; Cocaine; Heroin; Ecstasy.

These substances can be identified in urine, blood, hair and hair, being more common that the analysis is done on hair or hair, as it is possible to identify the amount of drug consumed in the last 90 or 180 days respectively.

Know the effect of drugs on the body.

4. If you consume alcoholic beverages 1 day before the exam, is it detected?

The toxicological examination does not include the test for drinking alcoholic beverages, and there is no problem with taking the test 1 day after drinking a beer, for example. In addition, according to the Truck Drivers Act 2015, testing for alcohol consumption is not mandatory.

Because it is not included in the drug test, some companies may choose to request the drug test, request the test to detect the amount of alcohol in the blood or even in the hair, and it is important to have this indication in the test request.

5. Is the toxicological examination included in the admission and dismissal examinations of truck drivers and drivers?

In the case of truck drivers and bus drivers, for example, the toxicology exam is included in the admission exams to prove the person's aptitude and if the hiring of the professional does not represent a risk for him and for the people transported, for example.

In addition to being used in the admission exam, the toxicology exam can also be used in the dismissal exam to justify dismissal for just cause, for example.

6. When is this exam mandatory?

The exam is mandatory since 2016 for people who will renew or take a driver's license in categories C, D and E, which correspond to the categories of cargo transport, passenger transport and driving vehicles with two units, respectively.

In addition, this examination may be requested in some public tenders, in court cases and as an admission or dismissal examination in transport companies, for example. Meet other admission and dismissal exams.

The toxicological examination can also be performed at the hospital when poisoning by toxic substances or medications is suspected, for example, in addition to being able to be carried out in the event of an overdose so that you know which substance is responsible.

7. What is the validity of the toxicological examination?

The result of the toxicological examination is valid for 60 days after the collection, and it is necessary to repeat the examination after this period.

8. Can the result be false negative or false positive?

The laboratory methods used in the toxicological examination are very safe, with no possibility of the result being false negative or false positive. In the case of a positive result, the test is repeated to confirm the result.

However, the use of some medications can interfere with the test result. Therefore, it is important to be informed in the laboratory if you are using any medication, in addition to taking a prescription and signing the term of use of the medication, so that it is taken into account when analyzing it.

9. How long does it take for the drug to get out of the hair?

In hair, the drug can remain detectable for up to 60 days, however the concentration over time decreases, as the hair grows over the days. In the case of hair from other parts of the body, the drug can be identified in up to 6 months.

10. If someone is smoking marijuana in the same environment, will this be detected in the test?

No, because the test detects the metabolites generated by consumption in high concentrations of the drug. When breathing in the marijuana smoke that a person in the same environment is smoking, for example, there is no interference with the test result.

However, if the person breathes too quickly or remains exposed to smoke for a long time, it is possible that a small amount will be detected in the toxicological examination.

Clarify the most common questions about drug testing