Home Bulls Light chicken and eggplant lasagna recipe

Light chicken and eggplant lasagna recipe


This lasagna recipe, in addition to being very practical, simple and delicious, has 35% less calories than most traditional lasagna, totaling just 2900 calories, 1500 calories less than the traditional 4400 calorie recipe.

Thus, it is a good option for those who are dieting, but want to have a meal outside the nutritionist's plan. However, it should not be consumed frequently, because even if it contains fewer calories than the traditional version, it still contains more calories than the dishes recommended in most weight loss diets.


  • 500 g lasagna pasta; 500 g turkey ham; 250 g light cheese; 500 g ground turkey meat; 200 g eggplant; 1 packet of tomato pulp; Salt to taste; Black pepper; Oregano.

Method of preparation

Cook the lasagna dough in approximately 2 liters of water for 5 minutes. In another pan, cook the ground meat and after cooking put the tomato pulp, salt and spices to taste.

Start by assembling the lasagna by placing a layer of lasagna pasta, followed by meat, ham and cheese. After making a layer with dough, make the next with eggplant and alternate until you finish with the ingredients or until you reach the size you want.

Heat the oven to 180ÂșC for 5 minutes and place the lasagna for 20 to 30 minutes, or until golden on top.

Nutritional information for light lasagna

Traditional Recipe Light recipe
Ingredients Calories Ingredients Calories
500 g of lasagna pasta 575 300 g lasagna pasta + 200 g eggplant 383
500 g of ham 1075 500 g of turkey ham 643
500 g of mozzarella cheese 1400 250 g light cheese 618
500 g of ground beef 1345 500 g of ground turkey meat 1175
1 ready-made tomato paste 90 1 ready-made tomato paste 90
salt - salt -
chili - chili -
oregano - oregano -
TOTAL 4485 TOTAL 2909
Light chicken and eggplant lasagna recipe