Home Bulls Recipes with tapioca to loosen the gut

Recipes with tapioca to loosen the gut


This tapioca recipe is good for releasing the intestine because it has flax seeds that help to increase the fecal cake, facilitating the expulsion of feces and reducing constipation.

In addition, this recipe also has peas, a food rich in fiber that help in the elimination of feces. See other foods that loosen the gut at: Foods high in fiber.

This tapioca recipe stuffed with egg is an excellent option for a light lunch and has only 300 calories, which can be incorporated into a weight loss diet.


  • 2 tablespoons of hydrated tapioca gum1 tablespoon of flaxseed seeds1 teaspoon of cheese1 tablespoon of peas1 diced tomato1 half onion1 eggOlive oil, oregano and salt

Method of preparation

Mix the cassava flour with the flax seeds and place the mixture in a very hot skillet. When it starts to stick, turn. Add the stuffing made in a frying pan mixing the scrambled egg, chopped tomato, chopped onion, cheese and peas seasoned with oregano and salt.

Tapioca has no gluten and therefore this recipe can be used by those who have gluten intolerance. See a complete list at: Gluten-free foods.

In addition, tapioca is a great substitute for bread and can be used to lose weight. Meet see some recipes in Tapioca can replace bread in the diet.

Recipes with tapioca to loosen the gut