Home Symptoms Effects of the drug 'rivet' on the body

Effects of the drug 'rivet' on the body


'Rivet' is the name of a drug derived from amphetamines, which is also known by students as 'Bolinha'. The main effect of this drug is to increase the individual's alertness, which apparently can be good for studying longer, without getting tired, or for driving long distances at night because it prevents sleep.

The drug Rebite acts on the central nervous system promoting a mixture of sensations in the brain and a greater state of alert, leaving the body more accelerated, and it becomes addictive in a short time, requiring a larger dose each time to achieve a more prolonged effect. Because it is a derivative of amphetamines, this drug can be produced in the laboratory, but it is also present in some remedies used to lose weight or against depression, but in small doses.

Find out what amphetamines are, what they are for and how to use them in a therapeutic way.

What happens after you take 'Rivet'

The effects of the drug Rivet on the body start right after taking it, changing the behavior and the way of reacting to situations, leaving the individual more agitated and presenting:

  • Lack of sleep; Lack of appetite; Pale skin; Dilated pupils; Decreased reflexes; Dry mouth; High blood pressure; Blurred vision.

Intense anxiety, paranoia and distortion of perception of reality, auditory and visual hallucinations and feelings of power, are some symptoms related to the use of this type of drug, but although these effects can occur in any user, individuals with a psychiatric disorder are more vulnerable to them.

That way, even if the person is very tired, after taking the pill, the body no longer looks tired and the effect remains for a few hours. However, the effect gradually diminishes, and sleep and tiredness appear again, with the need to take a new pill. After the person becomes addicted, even more serious symptoms may arise, such as frequent irritability, sexual impotence, mania of persecution and depression.

Addictive rivet?

Rivet causes addiction and addiction quickly, because apparently the person feels well, without any tiredness and is willing to continue studying or driving for a few more hours. However, this false feeling that everything is under control means there is a need to take one more pill to be able to study a little more, or arrive at the desired time at the final destination.

Gradually the person becomes addicted because he thinks he can learn more in less time of study or that professionally is more efficient, but taking the 'rivet' causes chemical dependency, and can cause irreversible brain damage and even death, especially when if you need to take other types of medication, such as those to control blood pressure, for example.

As the drug is consumed, the body gets used to it and every day it is necessary to take a larger dose to obtain the same alertness, making it very difficult to stop using this type of drug.

Research confirms that most truck drivers in Brazil have used the drug at least once to be able to stay awake longer and travel long distances without having to stop to rest and sleep, but to stay around 24 hours awake it may be necessary to take more of 10 tablets throughout the day, which is addictive and has serious consequences for the body.

Effects of the drug 'rivet' on the body