Burdock and bilberry tea is a great home remedy for gall bladder stone, as burdock has anti-inflammatory action, helping to reduce gall bladder inflammation and boldo stimulates the elimination of bile and, consequently, gall bladder through stool.
When a stone is formed in the gallbladder, scientifically called gallstone, it can get stuck in the gallbladder or go into the bile ducts. In the latter case, the stone may obstruct the passage of bile, causing symptoms such as severe pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, with surgery being the only form of treatment.
Thus, this home remedy should only be used with the knowledge of the doctor when the gallstone is still in the gallbladder and has not passed into the bile ducts, as in this case it can cause worsening of symptoms.
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Method of preparation
Bring the water to a boil and, after boiling, add the boldo sachet and burdock roots. Let stand for 10 minutes, strain and drink 2 cups of tea a day, 1 hour after lunch and 1 hour after dinner.
In addition to being excellent for gall bladder, burdock tea also helps to relieve colic caused by kidney stones, as it reduces inflammation and increases urine production, facilitating the elimination of this type of stones.
To learn all about how to treat gall stones, see: Treatment for gall stones.