Home Symptoms What to eat and what to avoid for kidney stones

What to eat and what to avoid for kidney stones


The diet for people with kidney stones should be low in salt and protein and very high in fluids. To check if you are drinking enough water, pay attention to the urine, which must be clear, limpid and without a strong smell.

There are several types of kidney stones and the treatment can vary according to each type, with calcium oxalate stones being more common. Excessive consumption of foods rich in oxalates or calcium, for example, favors the appearance of this type of stone.

Allowed foods

The foods indicated for kidney stones are mainly those rich in water, which allow to increase the amount of liquids and dilute the urine, avoiding the formation of crystals and stones. It is recommended to drink between 2 and 3 liters of water per day.

The diet should be based on fresh food, rich in vegetables, legumes and good fats, such as chestnuts, almonds, nuts, olive oil and fish, such as tuna, sardines and salmon. In addition, food supplements should only be used according to the recommendation of the doctor or nutritionist. See how is the complete treatment for kidney stones.

Foods to Avoid

Foods not recommended for kidney stones are:

  • Rich in oxalate: peanuts, rhubarb, spinach, beets, chocolate, black tea, sweet potatoes, coffee and cola-based soft drinks; Salt and sodium-rich foods, such as diced spices, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, fast food, frozen frozen food. Excess protein, requiring nutritionist guidance to use protein supplements; Processed meats, such as sausage, sausage, ham and bologna; Vitamin C supplements; Calcium supplements.

A good tip to prevent the formation of kidney stones is to cook vegetables rich in oxalates twice, throwing out the water from the first cooking.

Kidney Stones Diet Menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day menu for kidney stones:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 cup of pineapple juice with mint + whole sandwich with cheese stone-breaking tea + 1 tapioca with egg and chia 1 glass of plain yogurt + 1 col of honey soup + omelet with 2 eggs, tomato and oregano
Morning snack 1 glass of coconut water 1 apple + 15g cranberry 1 glass of green juice with kale, ginger, lemon and coconut water
Lunch 5 col of rice soup + 2 col of bean soup + 100g of grilled beef fillet + vegetables sautéed in olive oil 3 forks of wholemeal pasta + tuna in tomato sauce with basil + green salad chicken soup with carrot, chayote, chopped cabbage, potato and onion + 1 drizzle of olive oil
Afternoon snack 1 plain yogurt + 1 col of cranberry soup avocado vitamin 2 baked bananas with 2 slices of cheese + cinnamon to taste

Cranberry is a red fruit widely used to treat kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Know all the properties of this fruit.

Other important information about kidney stones

The most suitable doctor to treat kidney stones is the nephrologist, who can appoint a nutritionist to adapt the diet and complete the treatment, also avoiding the formation of new stones.

People who have cases of kidney stones in the family or who have had some kidney stones in their life should always have a diet guided by the doctor and nutritionist, in order to avoid the appearance of more problems.

Watch a video where our nutritionist explains how the food should be for each type of stone:

What to eat and what to avoid for kidney stones