Home Home-Remedies How to remove dark circles with home remedies

How to remove dark circles with home remedies


A good way to lighten dark circles in a homemade and natural way is to apply a cold compress on the eyes, or an ice pebble, but there are other very interesting homemade options, such as cold chamomile tea, mashed tomatoes and put potato slices. raw or cucumber on the eyes. See how to use and why they are indicated.

Dark circles can appear due to excess melanin, changes in the spider veins in the lower region of the eyes, genetic causes or insufficient hours of sleep, for example. If dark circles are frequent and treatment is not working, the individual should consult a dermatologist to indicate the best treatment, which can be done with creams suitable for dark circles or the use of hyaluronic acid, for example.

1. Chamomile tea

A great natural remedy for dark circles is the compress with chamomile tea, as this medicinal plant helps to rejuvenate the skin, helping to reduce the dark color and swelling of dark circles.


  • 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers and leaves 1 liter of water

Method of preparation

Add the chamomile flowers and leaves to the water and bring to a boil. After boiling, let it cool, strain, dip a piece of cotton in cold tea and apply to dark circles for about 15 minutes. Another way to enjoy this recipe is to soak the chamomile tea sachets in cold water and rest on your eyes, also for 15 minutes.

2. Mashed tomatoes

Kneading a tomato and then applying it directly on the eyes is also a good homemade way to lighten the area around the eyes. Just leave the tomato in the refrigerator until cool and then knead with a fork and apply directly on the eyes, leaving it to act for 15 to 20 minutes. Tomato is a natural skin lightener, which achieves great effects against dark circles, and is also useful to lighten skin freckles.

3. Potato or cucumber slices

A great home remedy for dark circles is to use slices of potato or cucumber in your eyes. To do this, leave the cucumber or potato in the refrigerator for a while until they are cold. Remain lying down with your eyes closed and put a slice of potato or cucumber in your eyes and let it rest for about 20 minutes. After this rest, wash your face with warm or hot water to activate the circulation.

Both the potato and the cucumber have calming properties that will reduce dark circles and improve the appearance of the face and, because they are cold, the "vasinhos" of the region will be reduced, improving the appearance of dark circles.

In addition to these natural options, you should sleep for 7 straight hours a night so as not to make dark circles worse or prevent their appearance and avoid sitting too long in front of the television, as your eyes become more tired, with a greater likelihood of dark circles appearing.

Watch the following video and see other solutions that can be used to improve the appearance of dark circles:

How to remove dark circles with home remedies