Home Symptoms 4 Health benefits of ice bath

4 Health benefits of ice bath


Although it can be uncomfortable for many people, taking a cold shower right after waking up helps fight fatigue and leaves the person more willing to carry out daily activities. In addition to increasing the mood and promoting a sense of well-being, the cold bath can also help relieve pain and treat depression, for example.

To be able to take a cold shower it is recommended to start with small parts of the body so that the adaptation to the water temperature happens, starting with the ankle and hands, for example. Another strategy is to start the bath with warm water and then cool down gradually.

1. Increase the mood

The cold bath increases the mood and the feeling of well-being because it improves blood circulation, increasing the body's oxygen demand, which ends up decreasing tiredness. That way, taking an ice bath as soon as you wake up can help you be more motivated to perform daily tasks.

2. Prevents cardiovascular disease

Due to the fact that it improves blood circulation, the cold bath also helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases. In addition, when taking a cold shower, several electrical impulses are generated for the brain, stimulating the production, among other substances, of norepinephrine, which is able to regulate blood pressure.

However, if the person has a family history of heart disease or has a change, it is important to go to the cardiologist regularly and do the treatment as directed, since the cold bath does not replace the treatment indicated by the doctor.

3. Help in treating depression

Some studies show that taking a cold shower helps to treat depression, because cold water activates the cold receptors present in the skin, sending several electrical signals to the brain resulting in an increase in the circulating concentration in the blood of endorphins, which is a neurotransmitter that guarantees the feeling of well-being.

In spite of this, more studies relating the improvement of depression with the cold bath need to be carried out for its effect to be proven. In addition, it is important that the person with depression continues to follow the treatment indicated by the psychiatrist, as the cold bath does not replace the treatment indicated by the doctor.

4. Improves muscle pain

The cold bath promotes the contraction of blood vessels, reducing muscle pain and helping muscle recovery after intense physical activity. Some studies have shown that the cold bath is able to reduce the symptoms of inflammation and prevent muscle fatigue.

In addition, the fact that there is contraction of the vessels helps to reduce any swelling that the person has and that causes pain. Despite this, the cold bath alone is not enough to treat muscle pain or swelling, and it is important that the person follows the treatment indicated by the doctor.

4 Health benefits of ice bath