Home Home-Remedies 4 Steps to Eliminate Lice and Nits Naturally

4 Steps to Eliminate Lice and Nits Naturally


To eliminate lice and nits you can take homemade measures that are easy to perform, can be used on children and that consist of washing the head with a mixture of vinegar and warm water, applying a mixture of essential oils, the next day spend a electronic fine comb, which can be purchased at pharmacies or supermarkets.

To complement the treatment, it is recommended to wash all the person's clothes with lice, as well as the bed sheets, teddy bears, brush and hair accessories, in water with temperature above 60º, for about 30 minutes, to eliminate the eggs and any lice or nits that are hidden on those surfaces.

In this way, the 4 steps to follow to end lice and nits are:

1. Wash your head with vinegar

The first step is to wash your hair with a mixture of vinegar and warm water, which must be applied directly to the scalp. The product has properties that kill and eliminate lice and nits.


  • 1 glass of cider or apple cider vinegar, 1 glass of warm water.

Method of preparation

Mix a glass of vinegar with a glass of warm water. Then, spread this mixture over the entire scalp and cover the hair with a cap, leaving it to act for approximately 30 minutes. Finally, you can wash your hair normally with shampoo in usual use.

2. Mixture of essential oils

The second step is to apply a mixture of essential oils directly to the scalp and let it act for about 20 minutes, using a cap.


  • 50 ml of coconut oil; 2 to 3 drops of tea tree essential oil; 2 to 3 drops of ylang ylang essential oil; 50 ml of apple cider vinegar.

Method of preparation

Just mix all the ingredients and apply directly to the scalp and let it act for 20 minutes, then you can wash your hair with shampoo that the person is used to.

3. Common or electronic fine comb

The third step is to run a fine comb through all hair, separating strand by strand, in order to make sure that all hair is combed in this way. Instead of the ordinary fine comb, an electronic comb can be used on dry hair, which is more effective in eliminating and identifying lice. See more on how to identify nits and lice.

This comb emits a continuous sound while it is on and a louder and louder sound when it encounters a louse. It emits a frequency of ultrasounds that are not perceived by the person, but that is enough to kill the lice.

4. Wash clothes at high temperature

The louse can be transmitted through brushes, combs, hats, pillows or sheets and, therefore, it is very important to wash these objects frequently, to prevent new infestation or even the transmission of the parasite to another person.

Thus, all objects that have been in contact with the hair, such as sheets, blankets, clothes, plush toys, hair clips and bows, hats, caps, rugs, pillows and the sofa cover, must be washed in water with temperature above 60º, to eliminate lice.

Check out these and other tips in the following video:

4 Steps to Eliminate Lice and Nits Naturally