Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease characterized by a large inflammatory process that occurs due to the accumulation of fatty plaques inside the vessels over the years, which ends up resulting in the blockage of blood flow and favoring the occurrence of complications, such as infarction and stroke.
Plaques of fat can be accumulated in arteries that supply the kidneys and other vital organs, which can result in consequences regarding the functioning of these organs. These plaques are mainly made up of bad cholesterol, LDL, so it is important to maintain ideal cholesterol levels throughout life through a balanced, low-fat diet and regular physical activity.
Main causes
The occurrence of atherosclerosis is closely related to the person's life habits, which can happen due to bad eating habits, in which a large amount of fat is eaten per day, and a sedentary lifestyle.
However, even people who have adequate nutrition and do regular physical activity can develop atherosclerosis due to genetic predisposition. That is, if the person has in the family people who have atherosclerosis, there is a chance of also developing it.
The risk of atherosclerosis increases with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, obesity, lack of exercise and aging. Men are at higher risk than women, although, after menopause, the risk increases for women, even being that of men.
Know other causes of atherosclerosis.
Symptoms of atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a disease whose development is silent and happens over the years. Therefore, the signs and symptoms related to atherosclerosis appear when the blood flow is quite compromised, which may be indicative of ischemia of the affected organ.
Symptoms may vary according to the artery that is affected, but in general they can appear:
- Pain and / or feeling of pressure in the chest; Difficulty breathing; Mental confusion; Dizziness; Weakness in the arm or leg; Temporary loss of vision in one eye; Increased blood pressure; Excessive tiredness; Signs and symptoms of kidney failure, such as urine with a strong, frothy smell, tremors and cramps, for example; severe headache.
These symptoms usually arise when the artery is already totally or almost totally blocked, with a change in the supply of oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body. Therefore, as soon as symptoms indicative of atherosclerosis appear, it is important that the person goes to the hospital for the diagnosis to be made and treatment to begin, avoiding complications.
How the diagnosis is made
The diagnosis of atherosclerosis must be made by the cardiologist through tests such as catheterization and cardiac angiotomography. In addition, other tests may suggest the presence of atherosclerotic disease, such as stress test, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram and myocardial scintigraphy, which can identify the presence of coronary artery disease, which has atherosclerosis as one of the causes.
The doctor can also indicate the performance of laboratory tests to assess the lipid profile, that is, tests to assess the amount of HDL and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, CRP and apolipoprotein.
Treatment for atherosclerosis
The main objective of treatment for atherosclerosis is to restore blood flow, which can be achieved by removing fatty plaques from the arteries through surgery, angioplasty and / or using medications that should be used as instructed by the cardiologist.
Medicines that can be recommended by the doctor are able to improve blood flow and, consequently, oxygen to the heart, regulate the heartbeat and lower cholesterol. It is important that the treatment for atherosclerosis is done according to the doctor's guidance to avoid the appearance of complications, such as infarction, stroke and kidney failure, for example.
See more about treatment for atherosclerosis.
Regardless of the treatment recommended by the doctor, it is important to change life habits, especially those related to the practice of physical activity and food so that the amount of bad circulating cholesterol and the risk of developing atherosclerosis will decrease, being important to avoid fatty foods as much as possible.. Check out the following video on how to lower cholesterol: