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The health benefits of the sun


Exposing yourself to the sun daily brings several health benefits, as it stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is essential for various activities of the body, in addition to stimulating the production of melanin, preventing diseases and increasing the feeling of well-being.

Therefore, it is important that the person expose themselves to the sun for 15 to 30 minutes daily, preferably before 10 am and after 4 pm, as these are the hours when the sun is not so strong and, thus, there are no risks associated with exposure.

For greater production of vitamin D, the ideal is that barriers that hinder the contact of the sun's rays with the skin, such as sunscreen, should not be used. However, when sun exposure is more prolonged, when it is done in the hottest hours of the day or when the person has very sensitive skin, it is recommended that sunscreen be used.

Thus, the main benefits of the sun include:

1. Vitamin D production

Exposure to the sun is the main form of production of vitamin D by the body, which is essential in several ways for the body, such as:

  • Increases calcium levels in the body, which is important for strengthening bones and joints; Helps prevent the formation of diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and cancer, especially in the colon, breast, prostate and ovaries, as it reduces the effects of cell transformation; Prevents autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease and multiple sclerosis as it helps to regulate immunity.

The production of vitamin D by exposure to the sun is greater and brings more benefits over time than oral supplementation, using pills. See how to effectively sunbathe to produce vitamin D.

2. Decreases the risk of depression

Exposure to the sun increases the production of endorphins by the brain, a natural antidepressant substance that promotes a feeling of well-being and increases levels of joy.

In addition, sunlight stimulates the transformation of melatonin, a hormone produced during sleep, into serotonin, which is important for good mood.

3. Improves sleep quality

Sunlight helps to regulate the sleep cycle, which is when the body realizes that it is time to sleep or to stay awake, and prevents episodes of insomnia or difficulty falling asleep at night.

4. Protects the body against disease

Moderate exposure to the sun and at the correct times helps to regulate the immune system, making it difficult to form and fighting skin diseases related to immunity, such as psoriasis, vitiligo and atopic dermatitis.

5. Getting tanned

Sunbathing moderately stimulates the production of melanin, which is the hormone that gives the skin the darkest tone, prevents the absorption of more UVB rays, protecting the body against its toxic effects.

In order to obtain these benefits, one should not sunbathe excessively, because in excess, the sun can have harmful health consequences, such as heat stroke, dehydration or skin cancer. In addition, to reduce the risks of exposure to UV rays from the sun, it is recommended to use sunscreen, at least SPF 15, about 15 to 30 minutes before, and replenish every 2 hours.

Find out what are the ways to sunbathe without health risks.

The health benefits of the sun