Home Bulls Carboxytherapy for cellulite: how it works, what the results and risks

Carboxytherapy for cellulite: how it works, what the results and risks


Carboxitherapy is an excellent aesthetic treatment to eliminate cellulite, located on the butt, on the back and inside of the thighs, and elsewhere on the body. This treatment consists of applying some injections in the skin, containing only carbon dioxide, which produces satisfactory results in the elimination of localized fat and in the increase of the skin's firmness in these regions, leaving the 'smooth' butt and the skin firmer, eliminating the appearance 'orange peel', typical of cellulite.

The price of carboxitherapy for cellulite can vary between 200 to 600 reais, depending on the number of sessions and the region where the treatment is performed.

Results of carboxitherapy for cellulite

The results can be seen, on average, after 7-10 treatment sessions, which should be performed with an interval of 2-4 times per month. To measure the results, you can take before and after photos or use a small thermography device to check the temperature of the area in each affected area. Usually cellulite is found in a greater number of the coldest areas, and so when the thermography shows an increase in temperature in each region, the result is satisfactory.

Studies show that carboxitherapy is effective against fat located in the abdominal region, thighs, arms, flanks and lateral part of the back, as long as the treatment area does not have a large amount of fats.

After about 5-7 sessions, it is possible to notice a good reduction in the degree of cellulite. Cellulite areas with grade IV can reach grade III and with the proper treatment, you can reach grades II and I, where cellulite is only evident when pressing the muscle, being invisible to one eye, in a resting position.

How carboxytherapy for cellulite works

In carboxitherapy, the gas introduced increases blood flow and microcirculation, increasing local oxygenation, which promotes cell renewal and the increase in collagen fibers that make the skin firmer, fighting sagging. With the increase in local circulation, toxins are eliminated, causing a break in the cells that store fat.

The treatment of carboxitherapy for cellulite consists of applying some injections of carbon dioxide directly into the skin of the butt and thighs, as a consequence of this, there is an increase in local blood circulation, removal of toxins, elimination of fat cells and greater firmness and support of the skin.

The injections are given at a distance of about 5 cm from each other and can cause some pain and discomfort, but are tolerable for most people.

Risks of carboxitherapy for cellulite

Carboxitherapy is a therapy that, when properly applied, has virtually no health risks. The changes that usually appear after the sessions are pain at the injection site and the appearance of bruises that last up to 30 minutes, small purple spots on the skin can also appear, but disappear within a week.

Carboxitherapy should not be performed during pregnancy, in cases of active skin allergy, obesity, active herpes, heart or lung disease. Check out other contraindications for carboxitherapy.

Carboxytherapy for cellulite: how it works, what the results and risks