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Carboxitherapy: what it is, what is it for and what are the risks


Carboxytherapy consists of applying carbon dioxide injections under the skin to eliminate cellulite, stretch marks, localized fat and also to eliminate sagging skin.

Carboxytherapy gas works by improving cell circulation and tissue oxygenation. Its application is wide, when applied to the face, it increases the production of collagen, while in the buttocks it reduces cellulite and it also fights localized fat, destroying fat cells and can be used on the belly, flanks, arms and thighs.

The price of carboxitherapy can vary between R $ 120 and R $ 600.00, depending on the number of sessions and regions to be treated. So depending on each case, the total cost of carboxitherapy sessions can also exceed R $ 600.00. The most suitable professionals to perform carboxitherapy are the physiotherapist specialized in functional dermato and the dermatologist.

Does carboxitherapy hurt?

The application of carboxitherapy really hurts, as the gas entry provides a small detachment of the skin, causing discomfort. However, the pain is temporary, and lasts up to 30 minutes, improving little by little, as well as local swelling. However, pain tolerance is very individual and for some people, treatment is perfectly tolerable.

What is it for and benefits

Carboxitherapy is especially indicated for:

  • Cellulite: because it eliminates localized fat by damaging the adipocytes, favoring their burning and increasing blood circulation and lymphatic drainage at the site. Find out how carboxitherapy is done to eliminate cellulite. Stretch marks: because it stretches the local tissues and fills the region with gas, stimulating the production of collagen, and allows greater entry of cosmetics applied to the skin. See how carboxitherapy for stretch marks works. Localized fat: because it injures the fat cell, promoting its removal, and improves blood circulation at the injection site. Learn more about carboxitherapy for localized fat. Sagging: because it favors the production of collagen fibers, which support the skin; Dark circles: because it reduces puffiness, strengthens blood vessels and lightens the skin. Find out how carboxitherapy for dark circles is made.

The number of sessions depends on the person's goal, the region and the person's body. Clinics typically offer packages of 10 sessions that must be performed every 15-30 days, but the number of sessions should be indicated after the body evaluation.

Risks, side effects and contraindications

Carboxitherapy is an aesthetic treatment with very few risks, being very well tolerated, however some side effects may appear, such as pain and swelling at the injection site, a burning sensation in the skin and the appearance of small bruises in the application area. Carboxitherapy is contraindicated in case of phlebitis; gangrene; epilepsy; heart-respiratory failure; renal or liver failure; severe uncontrolled arterial hypertension; during pregnancy and changes in psychiatric behaviors.

Watch the following video and learn about other techniques used to eliminate stretch marks:

Carboxitherapy: what it is, what is it for and what are the risks