Home Bulls Neopuntia to lose weight

Neopuntia to lose weight


Neopuntia is a set of fibers based on an Indian fig, which bind to the ingested fat eliminating it in the feces in a totally natural way and that is why it can be used as an aid in weight loss diets.

Neopuntia slims because the body needs fat to properly perform its functions and as these fibers do not allow the body to absorb the fats ingested in the diet, it starts to look for it in its reserves, thus spending the fat that is accumulated in the body.

To lose weight with neopuntia, in addition to eating less calories, it is advisable to eat 1 or 2 grams of neopuntia 15 to 60 minutes after main meals such as lunch and dinner but you should not use more than 5 g per day of this supplement as it can be harmful health and may cause diarrhea.

It is possible to buy neopuntia in a health food store or on the internet in packs of 60 or 120 capsules and the price of neopuntia is approximately 95 reais.

It is important to advise a health professional like a nutritionist when supplementing to lose weight, as this help is important so that weight loss is healthy and does not harm health.

Neopuntia to lose weight