Home Bulls Navelbine



Navelbine is an antineoplastic drug that has the active substance Vinorelbine.

This drug for injectable use is indicated for the treatment of lung cancer, its action consists in altering the functioning of cancer cells mainly in the cell division phase, thus preventing more malignant cells from spreading through the body and compromising other organs.

Indications of Navelbine

Lung cancer.

Navelbine Price

The Navelbine 10 mg box costs approximately 234 reais and the 50 mg medicine box can cost up to 1, 100 reais.

Side effects of Navelbine

Weakness; fatigue; nerve problem; lack of appetite; constipation; diarrhea; nausea; inflammation in the mouth; vomiting; decrease in leukocytes in the blood; anemia; hair loss; pain or reaction at the injection site.

Contraindications for Navelbine

Pregnancy risk D; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Navelbine

Injectable Use


  • Apply 30 mg per square meter of body surface, via direct intravenous. The procedure should be done once a week.