Home Symptoms How to treat the 5 most common diseases of the spine

How to treat the 5 most common diseases of the spine


The most common spinal problems are low back pain, osteoarthritis and herniated disc, which mainly affect adults and can be related to work, poor posture and physical inactivity.

When the pain in the spine is intense, persistent or when it is accompanied by symptoms such as pain, burning, tingling or other alteration of sensitivity in the spine, arms or legs, it is important to see an orthopedist for tests. Treatment may include the use of medication, physical therapy and sometimes surgery.

Here we indicate the main diseases that affect the spine, its symptoms and forms of treatment:

1. Herniated disc

Also popularly known as "parrot's beak", herniated discs can be a serious condition that requires surgery. However, many patients are able to live with a hernia without any pain. Usually, a herniated disc causes pain in the region where it is located, in addition to a burning sensation, tingling or weakness in the arms or legs. This is because as the intervertebral disc pushes the spinal cord, nerve endings are affected, causing these symptoms. See more details: Symptoms of herniated disc.

What to do: Treatment for herniated discs can be done with physiotherapy, medicines to relieve pain and discomfort, acupuncture and hydrotherapy, but in some cases not even surgery can be enough to cure the individual and, therefore, each case must be carefully evaluated by the doctor and the physiotherapist, so that the treatment is directed to your need.

2. Low back pain

Also known as back pain, it affects individuals of all ages and can appear at any stage of life. Low back pain can last for days or months. In some cases, in addition to causing pain in the bottom of the back, it can cause a burning or tingling sensation in one or both legs (especially in the back), known as sciatica, because it affects the sciatic nerve that passes through this region.

What to do: Your treatment can be done with physiotherapy sessions and global postural reeducation, known by the acronym RPG. A good home treatment is to do stretching exercises and place a warm compress on the area of ​​pain.

See what you can do to relieve back pain in the following video:

3. Spinal arthrosis

Despite being more common in the elderly, spinal arthrosis can also affect young people. It can be caused by accidents, excessive physical activity, lifting too much weight, but there are also genetic factors involved. Spinal arthrosis can be a serious disease that causes symptoms such as severe back pain and difficulty getting out of bed, for example.

What to do: Your treatment can be done with pain medication, physiotherapy sessions and, in some cases, surgery. Typically, those who have osteoarthritis in the spine also suffer from osteoarthritis in other joints of the body. See more details in: Treatment for spinal arthrosis.

4. Osteoporosis

In osteoporosis, the bones of the spine are weak due to the decrease in bone mass and deviations can appear, with thoracic kyphosis being common. This disease is more common after the age of 50 and is silent, with no characteristic symptoms, being discovered only when exams such as x-rays or bone densitometry are performed.

What to do: It is recommended to take calcium and vitamin D remedies recommended by the doctor, expose yourself to the sun, practice exercises, such as those of clinical Pilates, and always maintain good posture. With these strategies it is possible to decrease the severity of osteoporosis, leaving bones stronger and less prone to fractures.

5. Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a lateral deviation of the spine, shaped like a C or S, that affects many young people and adolescents. Most of the time its causes are not known, but in many cases it is possible to correct the position of the spine with the proper treatment. Scoliosis can be diagnosed with exams such as x-rays, which also show its degree, which is important to define which treatment is indicated.

What to do: Depending on the degree of deviation in the spine, physiotherapy, use of a vest or orthosis, and in the most severe cases, surgery may be recommended. Physiotherapy and physical exercises such as swimming are indicated in the simplest cases, and when children are affected, the orthopedist may recommend the use of an orthopedic vest that should be worn for 23 hours a day. Surgery is reserved for the most serious cases, when there are large deviations in the spine, to prevent its progression and improve the person's mobility.

Watch the following video and learn the exercises you can do at home to help correct scoliosis:

When to go to the doctor

It is advisable to go to a medical consultation when there is pain in the spine that does not go away even with the use of pain medication, such as Paracetamol, and creams, such as Cataflan, for example. The best doctor to look for in these cases is the orthopedist, who will be able to observe the individual, listen to their complaints and order tests, such as x-rays or MRIs, which can help in the diagnosis, being important to decide the most appropriate treatment. Medical consultation is also indicated when:

  • The individual has severe back pain, which does not subside with the use of analgesics and anti-inflammatories; Unable to move properly because of the back pain; Pain is persistent or worsens over time; Pain in the spine radiates to other regions of the body; Fever or chills; If you have had any type of accident lately; If you lose more than 5 kg in 6 months, for no apparent reason; Unable to control urine and feces; Muscle weakness; Difficulty in getting move around in the morning.

The doctor to look for in case of back pain is the orthopedist or rheumatologist. He should order imaging tests of the spine such as x-ray or MRI and after seeing the results decide on the best treatment. In the consultation, it is important to say the characteristic of the pain, when it started, what it was doing when it appeared, if there is a time when it worsens, if there are other areas affected.

How to prevent spinal diseases

It is possible to prevent diseases of the spine by practicing physical exercises regularly, under professional guidance, and by adopting good posture while sitting, lying down or moving. Protective spine measures such as keeping your abdominal muscles strong and avoiding lifting weights incorrectly are also important for maintaining spine health.

How to treat the 5 most common diseases of the spine