Home Bulls Allergy in the hands manifests with itching, pellets and peeling

Allergy in the hands manifests with itching, pellets and peeling


Hand allergy is a contact dermatitis, also called eczema, which occurs when there is contact with an aggressive agent with the hands. Symptoms include redness and itching of the hands, and can appear immediately or within 12 hours of contact with the offending substance.

The most common aggressive agents are detergents and cleaning products but other situations that can also cause allergies are getting a tattoo with henna; wear jewelry, such as rings and bracelets, or dip your hands in buckets of paint or solvent, for example.

Hand allergy symptoms

Mild hand allergy

Severe hand eczema

Contact dermatitis after using tape

Contact dermatitis with signs of infection on the fingers

The symptoms of allergy on the hands are itching, redness, swelling and peeling of the skin on the palm and between the fingers. This allergy can be located in one part of the hands, in just one hand, or be the same in both hands at the same time. In less severe cases, hands may be just a little dry and slightly flaking, but in more severe cases these symptoms are more intense.

Allergy in the hands can be confused with psoriasis, which manifests with hand flaking and dryness, but sometimes it can also be confused with dyshidrosis, which causes pellets and intense itching of the hands, so it is important to consult the doctor whenever allergy symptoms on the hands are present.

The doctor best suited to assess this change is a dermatologist who can reach a diagnosis of dermatitis or eczema only by observing the appearance of the hands.

Hand allergy treatment

Treatment for allergy on the hands, should be indicated by the doctor, but in general, it is advised:

  • Always wear rubber gloves whenever washing dishes, clothes or using other cleaning products to avoid direct skin contact with these types of products; Avoid washing your hands too often, even if you wash only with water, but if it is extremely necessary, always apply a layer of moisturizer on your hands immediately afterwards; In less severe cases, when there is still no inflammation, always use moisturizing creams with urea and soothing oils that reduce local irritation, on days when the skin is more irritated and sensitive; in more severe cases, where there are signs of inflammation, it may be necessary to apply some allergy ointment on the hands or anti-inflammatory cream with corticosteroids, such as betamethasone, which should be prescribed by the dermatologist; when there are signs of infection in the hands, the doctor may prescribe remedies such as prednisone for 2 to 4 weeks; in cases of chronic allergy, which does not improve with treatment for 4 weeks, other remedies may be indicated as azathioprine, methotrexate, cyclosporine or alitretinoin.

Some complications that can occur when the allergy in the hands is not properly treated are bacterial infection by staphylococci or streptococci , which can form pustules, crusts and pain. When there is dermatitis on the fingertips, the nails can be affected, becoming deformed, and in addition, the allergy can spread also affecting the forearms and even the feet.

What can cause hand allergy

Generally hand allergies are not caused by just one factor, but a combination of several factors such as genetic predisposition, contact with potentially irritating cleaning products such as soap, detergent, chlorine, paint, soluble, frequent exposure to cold or heat, and frequent skin friction.

In this case, the products remove the natural protection of the skin, lead to dehydration of the skin and eliminate the lipid layer, and all this leaves the skin of the hands drier and unprotected, facilitating the proliferation of microorganisms, and therefore there may be signs aggravation.

The people who are most likely to develop contact dermatitis on the hands are those who work as painters, hairdressers, butchers, health professionals because they have to wash their hands too often, cleaning employees and general services due to frequent contact with cleaning products. However, anyone can have allergies on their hands throughout their lives.

Allergy in the hands manifests with itching, pellets and peeling