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What not to do in the diet to put on weight


In a diet to put on weight, despite having greater freedom to consume food, it is also important to be careful to avoid common mistakes such as overdoing sweets, fried foods and industrialized products. This care is necessary because the high consumption of these foods can lead to the appearance of health problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

In addition, these foods only stimulate the increase of fat mass in the body, not supporting muscle gain. So, here are 5 tips of what not to do to gain weight the right way:

1. Eat more sweets

Despite wanting to put on weight, eating lots of sweets mainly stimulates fat gain, which is not healthy for the body. In addition, overdoing sugar favors an increase in triglycerides and blood glucose, which can cause consequences such as constant migraine, dizziness and mood swings.

To avoid sweets, good tips are to consume fruits and natural fruit juices, prefer dark chocolate and avoid adding sugar in preparations such as coffee, vitamins and juices.

2. Eat a lot of fast food

Eating meals in fast food means, in most cases, eating mostly sugar, fried foods, salt and bad fats. In addition, fast foods are usually rich in monosodium glutamate, an additive that alters the gut flora and

These factors, over time, lead to an increase in cholesterol and blood pressure, especially when the high consumption of fast food is not done together with the regular practice of physical activity and with better control of food at home.

3. Eat a lot at night

Overdoing your food at night is a mistake because it also favors fat gain, as soon as hours of sleep will come, causing all the excess to accumulate instead of being spent on exercises or activities of daily living.

In addition, eating a lot at night can cause problems such as poor digestion and reflux, as lying on a full stomach favors the return of food through the esophagus, causing burning, nausea and vomiting.

4. Skip meals and eat all at once

When the goal is to put on weight, skipping meals means losing a lot of calories and nutrients, which ends up slowing down the weight gain process. When skipping a meal and trying to compensate for the next meal, you cannot always consume all the desired amount and the balance of the diet is lost.

In addition, to have a good stimulus of hypertrophy, nutrients need to be well distributed throughout the day, and not concentrated in just 3 or 4 meals. So, the ideal is to maintain a good pace of meals throughout the day, always trying to include proteins in snacks too, using chicken or omelet sandwiches throughout the day, for example.

5. Forgetting to consume good fats

Forgetting to consume good fats reduces caloric intake throughout the day, decreases the cells' ability to produce muscle mass and weakens the immune system.

Good fats are present in foods such as nuts, peanuts, peanut butter, avocado, coconut, chia, flaxseed and olive oil, which should be consumed at least twice a day. Learn how to use peanut butter to gain muscle mass.

Watch the video below and find out what foods you should eat to get healthy:

What not to do in the diet to put on weight