Home Symptoms 5 Reasons not to eat liver steak

5 Reasons not to eat liver steak


Excessive liver consumption can worsen problems such as gout and high cholesterol due to its high cholesterol content, in addition to impairing the development of the fetus during pregnancy due to excess vitamin A.

In addition, the liver is the organ responsible for processing toxins from medicines and heavy metals in food, which can cause the individual who consumes a lot of liver to end up accumulating these bad substances in his body.

Understand better the 5 reasons to reduce the consumption of this meat:

1. Is high in cholesterol

The liver is responsible for the production of cholesterol in the body, which is why it has about 6 times more cholesterol than a grilled steak, for example. Therefore, its excessive consumption can cause problems such as high cholesterol, heart problems and being overweight.

Thus, the ideal is to consume liver only once a week to avoid these complications.

2. It can harm pregnancy

The liver contains large amounts of vitamin A, which can cause malformations in the fetus when consumed in excess, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Thus, pregnant women should avoid consuming liver and other animal organs, eating only small amounts if the desire arises.

3. Worsens gout

Because it is rich in proteins that contain purines, the substance responsible for increasing uric acid in the body, the liver helps to make gout symptoms worse. In these cases, it is advisable to avoid liver consumption entirely, even in small amounts. See which foods are allowed and prohibited to lower uric acid.

4. Excess of toxins

Because it is the place where toxins are filtered and removed from the body, the liver ends up storing a large part of these substances that are part of food products or livestock, such as processed grains, antibiotics, vaccines, pesticides for grass, contaminated water and hormones.

To avoid this problem, liver should be consumed at most once a week, preferably from animals that have not been treated with antibiotics or hormones.

5. Heavy metals

In addition to toxins, the liver also accumulates heavy metals that can contaminate and harm the body, such as mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium. These metals impair the functioning of organs such as the lungs and joints, and are present mainly in animals that grow close to metal factories or chemicals.

To avoid this problem, one must seek to know the origin of the animal's creation and prefer organic meats, where the animals are raised loose in well-maintained spaces and without the use of medicines.

What to do?

In summary, people who like liver should buy it from organic producers and consume it a maximum of once a week, remembering to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which will provide antioxidants and assist in the detoxification of the body..

To make the best choice, see what are the Myths and Truths about red meat and white meat.

5 Reasons not to eat liver steak