Home Bulls 5 Main causes of water in the lung

5 Main causes of water in the lung


The water in the lung, known scientifically as pulmonary edema, happens when the lungs become full of fluid, preventing the entry of oxygen and the exit of carbon dioxide.

Usually, the accumulation of fluid in the lung occurs when you have a problem with the cardiovascular system, such as heart failure, but it can also occur when there is a lung injury, such as infections or exposure to toxins, for example.

1. Cardiovascular problems

When diseases of the cardiovascular system are not treated properly they can cause an excessive increase in pressure within the heart, preventing blood from being pumped properly.

When this happens, the blood accumulates around the lungs and increases the pressure inside the vessels in that region, causing the liquid, which is part of the blood, to be pushed into the lungs, occupying a space that should only be filled with air.

Some of the cardiovascular diseases that most commonly cause this change include:

  • Coronary heart disease: this disease causes the arteries of the heart to narrow, which weakens the heart muscle, decreasing its ability to pump blood; Cardiomyopathy: in this problem, the cardiac muscle weakens without having a cause related to blood flow, as in the case of coronary disease; Heart valve problems: when the valves fail to close completely or open properly, the strength of the heart can push excess blood into the lungs; High blood pressure: this disease hinders the functioning of the heart, which needs to make a lot of effort to pump blood. Over time, the heart may lose the necessary strength, leading to the accumulation of blood in the lungs.

In addition, other conditions, such as kidney problems, can also increase blood pressure and hinder the work of the heart, leading to a case of pulmonary edema, when they are not treated properly.

2. Lung infections

Some lung infections caused by viruses, such as Hantavirus or Dengue virus, can cause changes in the pressure of the blood vessels in the lungs, causing the accumulation of fluid.

3. Exposure to toxins or smoke

When toxins, such as ammonia or chlorine, or cigarette smoke breathe, for example, the lung tissues can become very irritated and inflamed, producing fluid that occupies the space inside the lungs.

In addition, when the inflammation is very severe, injuries to the lungs and small blood vessels around it can occur, allowing fluid to enter.

4. Drowning

In situations of near drowning, the lungs are filled with water that is sucked in through the nose or mouth, accumulating inside the lungs. In these cases, although the water has been removed with rescue maneuvers, pulmonary edema can persist, needing to be treated at the hospital.

See what to do in case of drowning to save the victim's life.

5. High altitudes

People who do mountaineering or climbing have a higher risk of developing pulmonary edema, because when they are at altitudes above 2400 meters the blood vessels suffer an increase in pressure. This increase in pressure can cause fluid to enter the lungs, especially in beginners of this type of sports.

See which symptoms can alert you to a case of water in your lung.

5 Main causes of water in the lung