Home Bulls Champix



Champix is ​​a medicine that helps facilitate the smoking cessation process, as it binds to nicotine receptors, preventing it from stimulating the central nervous system.

The active ingredient in Champix is ​​Varenicline and the drug can be purchased in conventional pharmacies in the form of pills.

Champix price

The price of Champix is ​​approximately 1000 reais, however, the value may vary according to the place of sale of medication.

Champix indications

The champix is ​​indicated to help the treatment to stop smoking.

How to use Champix

The use of Champix varies according to the treatment stage, and the general recommendations are:

Week 1 No. of Tablets per dose mg per dose Number of doses per day
Day 1 to 3 1 0.5 Once a day
Day 4-7 1 0.5 2 times a day, morning and evening
Week 2 No. of Tablets per dose mg per dose Number of doses per day
Day 8 to 14 1 1 2 times a day, morning and evening
Weeks 3 to 12 No. of Tablets per dose mg per dose

Number of doses per day

Day 15 until the end of treatment 1 1 2 times a day, morning and evening

Side effects of Champix

The main side effects of Champix include insomnia, headache, nausea, increased appetite, dry mouth, drowsiness, excessive tiredness, dizziness, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion and flatulence.

Contraindications for Champix

Champix is ​​contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children under 18, as well as for patients with hypersensitivity to Varenicline Tartrate or any other component of the formula.

Other remedies for smoking in: Remedies to quit smoking.
