Home Pregnancy What is the birth plan and how to do it

What is the birth plan and how to do it


The birth plan is recommended by the World Health Organization and consists of the elaboration of a letter, prepared by the pregnant woman, with the help of the obstetrician and during pregnancy, where she registers her preferences in relation to the whole process of childbirth, procedures routine medical and newborn care.

This letter aims to personalize a moment that is very special for the baby's parents and keep them more informed about the routine procedures that are performed during labor. The best way to present a birth plan is in the form of a letter, which is much more personal than a model taken from the internet and will give the midwife an idea of ​​the mother's personality.

To carry out the birth plan, it is important that the pregnant woman has all the necessary information and, for this, she can attend childbirth preparation classes, talk to the obstetrician and read some books on the subject.

What is it for

The purpose of the birth plan is to meet the mother's preferences regarding the entire birth process, including the performance of some medical procedures, provided that they are based on scientifically proven and updated information.

In the birth plan, the pregnant woman can mention if she prefers to be assisted by women, if she has a preference with regard to pain relief, what she thinks about the induction of childbirth, if she wants a break in the water, if it is necessary, if you prefer continuous monitoring of the fetus, as long as you are properly informed that the latter case will prevent you from getting up and moving during delivery. Know the three phases of labor.

In addition, some women prefer to resort to a doula, who is a woman who accompanies the pregnancy and provides emotional and practical support to the pregnant woman during delivery, which should also be mentioned in the letter.

How to make the birth plan

The professionals who are going to perform the delivery should read and discuss this plan with the pregnant woman, during pregnancy, in order to ensure that on the day of delivery everything goes as planned.

To prepare the birth plan, you can use a template provided by a health professional or found on the internet or the pregnant woman can choose to write a personalized letter.

In that letter, you should mention your preferences regarding situations such as:

  • Place where you want the delivery to take place; Conditions of the environment in which the delivery will take place, such as lighting, music, taking photos or videos, among others; Which companions do you want to be present; Medical interventions you want or not to do, such as administration of oxytocin, analgesia, episiotomy, enema, removal of pubic hair or removal of the placenta; Type of food or drinks you will ingest; If you want to perform an artificial rupture of the amniotic pouch; Baby expulsion position; When you wish start breastfeeding; Who cuts the umbilical cord; Interventions performed on the newborn, such as aspiration of the airways and stomach, use of silver nitrate eye drops, injection of vitamin K or administration of the hepatitis B vaccine.

The birth plan must be printed out and taken to the maternity or hospital at the time of delivery, although in some maternities, the document is filed before that.

Although the pregnant woman has a birth plan, it is up to the team that assists her to decide the safest way to conduct the delivery. If the birth plan is not followed for any reason, the doctor must justify the reason to the baby's parents.

What is the birth plan and how to do it