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Infectious cellulitis: what it is, symptoms, photos and causes


Infectious cellulitis, also known as bacterial cellulite, happens when bacteria can enter the skin, infecting the deeper layers and causing symptoms such as intense redness of the skin, pain and swelling.

In contrast to the popular cellulite, which in reality is called fibro edema geloid, infectious cellulitis can cause serious complications such as septicemia, which is the general infection of the organism, or even death, if not properly treated.

Thus, whenever a skin infection is suspected, it is very important to go to the emergency room to make the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment, which is usually done with the use of antibiotics. See how the treatment is done.

Main symptoms

Some of the symptoms that help to identify a case of infectious cellulitis include:

  • Pain in the body and affected area; Extensive red regions throughout the body; Sensation of heat or burning in the skin; Fever above 38ÂșC; Small swelling in the skin with pus production; Tongue near the affected area.

In more severe cases, symptoms can also include tremors, chills, fatigue, dizziness, excessive sweating and muscle pain. Symptoms such as drowsiness, blisters or red rays on the skin may be signs that infectious cellulitis is getting worse.

All of these symptoms can also be a sign of other types of skin infection, especially erysipelas, which is a disease that affects the most superficial layers of the skin. Thus, a dermatologist should be consulted to find out the correct cause, in order to start the most appropriate treatment.

How to confirm the diagnosis

In most cases, infectious cellulitis is identified by the dermatologist only by observing the symptoms, however, as the symptoms can be very similar to other types of skin infections, especially erysipelas, the doctor may also order a blood test or even a test to evaluate, in the laboratory, a sample of the affected skin, to confirm the type of bacteria that is causing the infection.

How to differentiate cellulite from erysipelas

The main difference between infectious cellulitis and erysipelas is that, while infectious cellulitis reaches deeper layers of the skin, in the case of erysipelas, the infection happens more on the surface. Still, some differences that can help to identify the two situations are:

Erysipelas Infectious Cellulite
Superficial infection Infection of the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue
It is easy to identify infected and uninfected tissue due to large stains It is difficult to identify infected and uninfected tissue, with small spots
More frequent in the lower limbs and face More frequent in the lower limbs

However, the signs and symptoms of these diseases are very similar, making the diagnosis more difficult to make. That way, the dermatologist can order several different tests to identify the correct cause and start the most effective treatment. Better understand what it is and how to treat erysipelas.

What can cause cellulite

Infectious cellulitis arises when Staphylococcus or Streptococcus bacteria are able to penetrate the skin. Therefore, this type of infection is more common in people with surgical wounds or cuts and stings that have not been properly treated.

In addition, people with skin problems that can cause skin discontinuity, as in eczema, dermatitis or ringworm, are also at greater risk of developing a case of infectious cellulitis, as well as people with weakened immune systems, for example.

Is infectious cellulitis contagious?

In healthy people, infectious cellulite is not contagious, as it does not catch easily from one person to another. However, if someone has a wound or skin disease, such as dermatitis, for example, and comes into direct contact with the area affected by cellulite, there is a higher risk that the bacteria will penetrate the skin and cause infectious cellulitis.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for infectious cellulitis is usually started with the use of oral antibiotics, such as Amoxicillin or Cephalexin, for 10 to 21 days. During this period it is advisable to take all the pills at the time indicated by the dermatologist, as well as observe the evolution of redness on the skin. If the redness increases, or another symptom worsens, it is very important to return to the hospital, as the antibiotic prescribed may not be having the expected effect and needs to be changed.

In addition, the doctor may also prescribe pain relievers, such as Paracetamol or Dipyrone, to relieve symptoms during treatment. It is also important to examine the skin regularly, make a wound dressing at the hospital, or even apply a suitable cream containing antibiotics, which can be recommended by the dermatologist to ensure the success of the treatment.

Normally, symptoms improve within 10 days of starting antibiotics, but if symptoms worsen it may be necessary to change antibiotics or even stay in the hospital to do the treatment directly in the vein and prevent the infection from spreading through the body.

Better understand how the treatment is done and what the signs of improvement are.

Infectious cellulitis: what it is, symptoms, photos and causes