Home Medicinal Plants Potentially abortive plants are prohibited during pregnancy

Potentially abortive plants are prohibited during pregnancy


Some teas prepared with medicinal plants are not recommended for consumption during pregnancy because they can harm the baby's development, as is the case with Aloe Vera, Hera and Guaco, for example.

In addition, to avoid taking the risk of damaging her own life and that of the baby, the pregnant woman should only take medicines and teas recommended by the obstetrician, because in many cases, in addition to the toxicity characteristic of the plant itself, herbs that grow on the edge roads and those harvested from the fields may be contaminated with pollution from car exhaust and pesticides.

Complete list of harmful plants during pregnancy

Other plants that are also considered toxic and therefore can be abortive are:

Catuaba Angelica Jarrinha Arnica
Artemisia (Losna) Sene Pasture killer Santa Maria Weed
Cinnamon Our Lady's Tear Myrrh Copaiba
Trumpet Clove Coarse herb Swallow
Macaé Herb Sourdish Mint ( Mint Piperita ) Nutmeg
Stone breaker Peony Jaborandi Plantain
Crabweed Purslane Peach Pomegranate
Jequiriti Carrapicho Guaçatonga Good-night flower
Boldo Pennyroyal Basil Nobody can with me
Horsetail Agonized Cinnamon Rue
Sage Comfrey Get out Caetano melon
Liana-vine (Liana-thousand-men) Purge pinion Cotton Northern Buchinha
Sacred Cascara Rhubarb Sarsaparilla Jurubeba

There are greater chances of complications when a woman regularly consumes these plants during pregnancy or when she ingests a large amount of these teas at once, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. But the risks, although minor, also exist in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

What can happen if you take

If the woman is pregnant and consumes any of these medicinal plants, what can happen is an increase in uterine contractions, which causes severe abdominal pain, and there may be blood loss through the vagina and consequently loss of the fetus. However, in some women abortion does not happen but the toxicity that reaches the baby can be sufficient to cause serious changes, compromising their motor and brain development.

Sometimes, the toxicity leads to a contraction so strong that it promotes the fetus to leave, but this can be an incomplete abortion and the remains of the fetus and placenta can remain trapped inside the uterus, leading to an infection, which can even lead to the death of the mother. Signs of infection after a missed abortion can include severe abdominal pain, fever and chills, in which case you should go to the emergency room quickly to contain the infection.

The toxicity of plants unsuitable for use during pregnancy can also cause serious kidney complications, and kidney transplantation may be necessary.

Know what to do to deal with unwanted pregnancy.

Can pregnant have tea?

The consumption of teas during pregnancy should be done on the recommendation of the doctor, since most of the plants and herbs used to make tea are not indicated during pregnancy, as they can induce the occurrence of contractions and, consequently, abortion. However, there are some teas that can be consumed by pregnant women under the doctor's guidance, such as chamomile tea, lavender, lemon balm and fennel, for example, as they have a calming and relaxing effect, in addition to fennel being able to stimulate milk production.

Although they can be consumed by pregnant women without posing any risk to the health of the woman or baby, it is important that the use of tea is not excessive and that the doctor is aware.

Potentially abortive plants are prohibited during pregnancy