Home Home-Remedies 5 home remedies for swollen hands and feet

5 home remedies for swollen hands and feet


To combat swelling of the hands and feet, home remedies such as teas or juice with diuretic action can be used to help eliminate excess fluids from the body.

But to enhance this home remedy it is recommended not to consume salt, drink 1.5 liters of water and take a light walk, of at least 30 minutes every day. Eating diuretic foods, such as cucumber, pumpkin, celery and parsley, also help to deflate hands and feet.

These home remedies can be taken for 3 days, if there is no improvement in symptoms, a medical consultation is recommended because medicines may be needed. See how to prepare these home remedies.

1. Fruit juice

Drinking watermelon juice with peach and pomegranate is a great natural strategy to combat swelling in your hands and feet.


  • 1/2 cup watermelon

Method of preparation

Beat all ingredients in a blender and then drink without sweetening. It is also possible to put the pomegranate seeds already in the ready juice and drink ice cream as soon as you finish doing so as not to lose its nutrients. Take the juice 2 times a day right after its preparation.

2. Herbal tea to deflate

The leather-hat tea with stone breaker because it has diuretic properties that eliminate excess fluids from the body.


  • We have a wide range of products to choose from, including:

Method of preparation

Add all the ingredients in a pan and bring to a boil. Then turn off the heat, let it cool, strain and drink this tea 4 times a day, between meals.

3. Pineapple juice with celery

Celery is an excellent diuretic and therefore, a great home remedy to treat swelling that is a consequence of water retention.


  • Add the chopped celery stems and 3 pineapple slices.

Method of preparation

Beat all ingredients in a blender, strain and drink next. During the day, drink tea from celery leaves. The tea should be prepared in the proportion of 20 g of green leaves for each liter of water.

4. Mugwort tea

This homemade recipe for stripping with sagebrush has excellent diuretic properties that help eliminate excess fluids in the body, as well as being a natural detox for the body.


  • 10 g of artemisia flowers, leaves and roots 500 ml of water

Method of preparation

Put the ingredients in a pan and boil for 10 minutes. Then let it warm, strain and drink 4 cups of tea a day, for 8 days. This tea should not be taken by pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriage.

5. Wash your legs with orange blossom

Washing your feet with coarse salt and orange leaves is another good natural solution.


  • 1 liter of water20 orange leaves1 / 2 cup coarse salt

Method of preparation

The orange leaves should be placed in the water to boil for approximately 3 minutes. After being removed from the heat, add cold water until the solution is warm, and then add half a cup of coarse salt. The legs should be soaked for 15 minutes, preferably before going to sleep.

5 home remedies for swollen hands and feet