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Suicidal behavior: how to identify and prevent


Suicidal behavior usually arises as a consequence of an untreated psychological illness, such as severe depression, post-traumatic stress syndrome or schizophrenia, for example.

This type of behavior has been more and more frequent in people under 29 years old, being a more important cause of death than the HIV virus, affecting more than 12 thousand people, per year, in Brazil.

If you think someone may be showing signs of suicidal behavior, check the signs you can observe and understand the risk of suicide:

  1. 1. Excessive sadness and unwillingness to be with other people Yes No
  2. 2. Sudden change in behavior with the use of very different clothes, for example Yes No
  3. 3. Dealing with various pending matters or making a will Yes No
  4. 4. Show calm or unconcern after a period of great sadness or depression Yes No
  5. 5. Making frequent suicide threats Yes No

This type of behavior can be avoided, especially when family members or friends can identify you and help the person to start appropriate treatment. This is because, in most cases, the person is no longer able to identify other solutions to the emotional crisis that is going on. A good option is to call the Life Valuation Center, dialing 188.

1. Show excessive sadness and isolation

Often being sad and unwilling to participate in activities with friends or doing what was done in the past are some symptoms of depression, which, when left untreated, is one of the main causes of suicide.

Usually, the person cannot identify that he is depressed and thinks that he is not being able to deal with other people or with work, which, over time, ends up leaving the person discouraged and unwilling to live.

See how to confirm if it is depression and how to get treatment.

2. Change behavior or wear different clothes

A person with suicidal ideas may behave differently than usual, speaking in another way, failing to understand the mood of a conversation or even participating in risky activities, such as using drugs, having unprotected intimate contact or directing great speed.

In addition, as in most cases there is no longer any interest in life, it is common to forget to pay attention to the way you dress or care for yourself, using old, dirty clothes or growing your hair and beard.

3. Dealing with pending matters

When someone is thinking about committing suicide, it is common to start doing various tasks to try to organize their lives and finish pending matters, as they would if they were going to travel for a long time or live in another country. Some examples are visiting family members you haven't seen in a long time, paying small debts or offering various personal items, for example.

In many cases, it is also possible for the person to spend a lot of time writing, which can be a will or even a farewell letter. Sometimes, these letters can be discovered before the suicide attempt, helping to prevent it from happening.

4. Show sudden calm

Demonstrating calm and carefree behavior after a period of great sadness, depression or anxiety can be a sign that the person is thinking about suicide. This is because the person thinks they have found the solution to their problem, and they stop feeling so worried.

Often, these periods of calm can be interpreted by family members as the stage of recovery from depression and, therefore, can be difficult to identify, and should always be evaluated by a psychologist, to ensure that there are no suicidal ideas.

5. Making suicide threats

Most people who are thinking about suicide will inform a friend or family member of their intentions. Although this behavior is often seen as a way to get attention, it should never be ignored, especially if the person is experiencing a phase of depression or major changes in their life.

How to help and prevent suicide

When it is suspected that someone may have thoughts of suicide, the most important thing is to show love and empathy for that person, trying to understand what is happening and what are the associated feelings. Therefore, one should not be afraid to ask the person if they are feeling sad, depressed and even thinking about suicide.

Then, one should seek help from a qualified professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, to try to show the person that there are other solutions to their problem, other than suicide. A good option is to call the Life Valuation Center, calling the number 188, which is available 24 hours a day.

Suicide attempts are, in most cases, impulsive and, therefore, to prevent a suicide attempt, one must also remove all material that can be used to commit suicide, such as weapons, pills or knives, from the places where that person more time passes. This avoids impulsive behaviors, giving you more time to think about a less aggressive solution to problems.

Find out how to act in the face of a suicide attempt, if it is not possible to prevent it in: First aid in attempting suicide.

Suicidal behavior: how to identify and prevent