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6 Natural Ways to Get Sleep and Stay More Awake


To get sleep during the day, at work, after lunch or to study, a good tip is to consume stimulating foods or drinks such as coffee, guarana or dark chocolate, for example.

However, the most effective way to end sleep during the day is to get enough sleep at night. The ideal sleep time is about 7 to 8 hours a night, however, if the person sleeps for 9 hours at night and, upon waking up, feeling refreshed and in the mood, it is 9 hours of good sleep he needs. See how many hours of sleep you should sleep in your life.

So, some great tips for getting sleep during the day, include:

1. Eat stimulating foods

To get sleep, it is recommended to consume stimulating foods or drinks, such as:

  • Strong coffee; Guarana powder; Açaí; Dark chocolate; Ginger tea.

These foods are stimulants being able to increase the disposition, because they speed up the heartbeat, improving the blood circulation and, as a consequence, they help to take the excess sleep.

However, its use should be kept to a minimum, since, in addition to favoring heart disease, they hinder calcium absorption and can harm bones.

See a list of other sleep-depriving foods.

2. Take a quick 15-minute nap

Another good tip for those who can't get enough sleep at night and, therefore, ends up getting very sleepy when they need to be more focused, consists of taking the time of lunch for a quick nap or taking the travel trips to sleep work. Although not a good quality sleep, these minutes of sleep help to recharge some energy, giving you an extra will to stay focused on the task you have to do.

Ideally, you should sleep between 15 to 30 minutes and no longer, as there is a risk of getting even more sleepy, especially as you enter the REM phase and it is more difficult to wake up.

The people most likely to suffer from sleep during the day are those who work in shifts, such as health professionals, police, firefighters and security guards. For these, it is advisable to take the opportunity to sleep or rest whenever they can.

Here's how to do it properly, without affecting sleep.

3. Exercise every 30 minutes

This is another very effective technique that can yield extra energy. To do this, just stop every 30 minutes and do some type of exercise to stimulate blood circulation. Some good examples are stretching, like touching your hands with your feet, or even doing some push-ups.

With this kind of trick it is almost always possible to get another 20 to 30 minutes of extra energy.

4. Place yourself in a less comfortable environment

The sensation of sleep usually only appears when you are in a comfortable environment, that is, in a comfortable position, with little sound and a pleasant temperature. So, countering these factors can be a good way to stay more awake. For that, just put some music playing, open the window a little to get a little wind and even avoid studying in bed.

5. Eat a healthy snack

Eating small snacks when working or studying can also help fight sleep, especially if light foods are included but with good properties to stimulate brain response. Thus, some examples are:

  • 1 avocado with nuts or oats; 1 yogurt with cereals; 1 avocado vitamin.

These snacks are rich in antioxidants and good fats, which help the brain function, and may be a good option to complete the use of a stimulating food, for example.

See more options than eating if you're studying.

6. Take a deep breath 10 times

Taking deep breaths helps to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and therefore can help to combat the feeling of excessive sleep. To do this, take a deep breath in through your nose, hold the air for 2 seconds and then throw all the air out through your mouth, repeating up to 10 times.

How to avoid having sleep during the day

The best way to avoid having sleep during the day is to have adequate sleep hygiene, that is, to have healthy sleep habits, going to sleep every day at the same time and always waking up at a standard time. It is also advised that during the night you should sleep between 7 to 9 hours, but not more than that time, since excess sleep during the night can also make the person less willing to wake up.

See, according to your waking time, what time you should go to bed to have a restful sleep:

Some tips to make it easier to fall asleep and sleep well at night include:

  • Avoid standing in front of the computer and the television for at least 30 minutes before sleeping; Sleeping in a quiet and comfortable room. A good tip is to buy an ear patch that is used for swimming and use it to sleep, if the neighborhood is very noisy; Make the last meal up to 1 hour before going to bed, to avoid indigestion; Avoid thinking about many things when going to bed, giving preference to calm and serene thoughts and avoiding worries;

Some diseases can also make the person feel sleepy during the day, some examples are insomnia, restless legs syndrome, obesity, sleep apnea, narcolepsy and sleepwalking. In the latter case, the ideal is to seek medical help, since, when these causes are eliminated, sleep becomes restorative and the symptom of having sleep during the day is no longer frequent. Find out which 8 diseases cause excessive tiredness.

6 Natural Ways to Get Sleep and Stay More Awake