Home Symptoms 6 House plants that clean the air (and improve health)

6 House plants that clean the air (and improve health)


The lack of quality in the air we breathe has been linked to several health problems, especially in the respiratory system of children, with an increase in the number of cases of asthma and other respiratory allergies. For this reason, several institutions, such as the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, have recommended cleaning the air in the home as a strategy to improve respiratory health.

For this reason, there are several devices with special filters, known as HEPA, that help to clean the home air and eliminate various pollutants. However, according to other studies, these devices may not be sufficient to remove all pollutants and may even end up contaminating the environment more, if they are not properly cleaned.

Thus, several other researches have been done to find a natural and effective way to clean the air, which includes the use of plants. In fact, several plants have been studied by NASA to serve as natural filters in space travel. Some of the plants that appear to have the greatest effect on air cleaning include:

1. Areca-bamboo

Areca-bamboo, with the scientific name Dypsis lutescens , is a type of indoor palm that, in addition to eliminating various types of air pollutants, such as benzene and formaldehyde, also increases the amount of moisture in the environment, being a perfect ally during winter days when the heating is on.

To grow properly this plant needs to be in an environment with plenty of sunlight and be watered frequently.

2. Fern

Fern, also known as boston-fern and scientific name Chamadorea elegans , is a very common plant at home and, in fact, has several benefits for the air, as it helps to maintain an adequate level of humidity in the environment, in addition to removing common pollutants, such as formaldehyde.

Although it is an easy plant to care for, it usually needs to be in darker places or at least with indirect light.

3. English ivy

English ivy, with the scientific name Hedera helix , is also another very common plant at home, especially abroad. However, this plant can have an important benefit in the interior, as it seems to clean a large number of pollutants, in addition to increasing the amount of moisture, important for respiratory health.

Like any ivy, this plant is very easy to grow and, therefore, its size can be regulated with frequent pruning of its branches. Although it can be used indoors, special care must be taken with this plant, as it can be toxic, especially if ingested by animals or children.

4. Gerbera

Gerbera is a very colorful plant, with the scientific name Gerbera jamesonii , which is often used inside houses to improve its aesthetic appearance. However, in addition to offering beauty, this flower also removes many of the pollutants present in the air.

This plant is safe for domestic animals and should be placed in places with a lot of sun, as its flowers need sunlight to grow.

5. Rubber tree

This is a very resistant plant that grows easily in places with low light. Its scientific name is Ficus elastica , and has a great effect in removing pollutants from the air, mainly formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene.

Some types of this plant can be toxic if ingested, so care must be taken with the presence of domestic animals that may ingest the plant.

6. Peace Lily

The peace lily is a very beautiful plant that can be used indoors to improve the aesthetics of various locations. Its scientific name is Spathiphyllum, and in addition to removing pollutants from the air, it is also resistant to various insects and gives an optimal level of humidity to the environment.

This plant does not need direct sunlight and its flowers fluoresce inside the house, as long as they are watered frequently.

How to use plants to clean house air

The plants indicated have good ability to clean the air in the house, however, to achieve better results it is recommended that there are at least 3 plants for every 10 square meters in each room, placed as close as possible to places where you can pass longer, as in bed, sofa or chairs.

Since plants are living beings, it is also very important to know how to properly care for each one, so that they work in the best way. For this, it is advisable to ask for tips on how to care for each plant in the store.

Other health benefits of plants

In addition to removing pollutants from the air and improving humidity levels, plants can also have a strong impact on the psychological health of many people, as they make the places more comfortable and welcoming. In fact, the use of plants in offices has even shown effects in improving mood and productivity.

On the other hand, some plants can even help in the control of insect and mosquito pests, and can be combined to fight diseases transmitted by bites, such as Dengue or Zika, for example. Discover a list of plants that help keep mosquitoes out of your home.

6 House plants that clean the air (and improve health)