Home Symptoms 7 Diseases that cause red spots on the skin

7 Diseases that cause red spots on the skin


The red spots on the skin in adults can be related to diseases like Zika, rubella or a simple allergy. So, whenever this symptom appears, you should go to the doctor to identify its cause and start the appropriate treatment, which may include the use of painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs or even antibiotics.

The doctor will be able to observe the spots and if there are other symptoms that may indicate a disease, he will also be able to order tests that help to reach the diagnosis, but sometimes the doctor can arrive at the diagnosis of the disease only by observing the characteristics of the spots. Also know what can be spots on the baby's skin.

Common causes of red spots on the skin

The main causes of red spots on the skin are diseases such as:

1. Allergy


How are the stains: medium in size, they can be red or white, and itch a lot, they can fill with liquid. They usually appear after contact with plants, animal hair or taking medicine, for example, but they can also be caused by insect bites or food poisoning.

How to treat: the symptoms can be relieved with allergy remedies, such as Loratadine, corticosteroids, such as Prednisone, or application of creams, such as Fenergan, prescribed by the dermatologist. See more about treatment.

2. Ringworm


How are the spots: they can be large and affect a well-defined region of the body. In addition, there may also be blistering and flaking in the area. See more details of the symptoms of ringworm on the skin.

How to treat: antifungal drugs and sometimes antibiotics can be indicated by the dermatologist.

3. Zika virus


How are the stains: gently raised reddish spots that are accompanied by itching, which usually appear 3 days after the mosquito bite. Zika spots usually appear first on the face and spread to the rest of the body in a few hours and last for about 5 days.

How to treat: rest, hydration and medication prescribed by the doctor to relieve symptoms and discomfort such as Dipyrone or Paracetamol, for example. See How to know if you have Zika.

4. Eczema


How are the stains: they cause a lot of itching and can be swollen. They are more frequent in children and health professionals who wash their hands with antiseptic soaps. Learn how to identify Eczema.

How to treat: ingestion of anti-allergic remedies such as Loratadine and application of corticoid ointments or creams, such as Fenirax, prescribed by the dermatologist.

5. Rubella


How are the stains: small, slightly elevated and itchy. They usually start on the face and behind the ears and in a short time they spread throughout the body and last for about 3 days. Learn more about symptoms and treatment.

How to treat: follow the treatment indicated by the doctor that can be done with Paracetamol until the disease is properly controlled.

6. Psoriasis


How are the stains: they have a white center with red, dry edges, which peel off and cause itching. They are more frequent before age 30 and after age 50, are not contagious and are related to genetic factors.

How to treat: application of anti-inflammatory creams or ointments guided by the dermatologist, sun exposure and changes in diet, how to avoid fatty foods and industrialized products, and increase the consumption of foods rich in omega 3 and beta-carotene. Learn other important precautions during Psoriasis Treatment.

7. Lupus


How are the spots: flat or raised reddish spots that can appear on any part of the body, being more frequent in women. See other symptoms and how to treat.

How to treat: corticosteroid drugs and immunosuppressants guided by the doctor.

7 Diseases that cause red spots on the skin