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How to help others to get out of depression


When a friend or family member is depressed, what can be done to help you get out of depression are small actions that can make all the difference, such as not judging his reasons, not minimizing the pain he is feeling and always being in contact.

Some other tips that can help you live with a depressed person, to help them get out of depression, are:

1. Understand what depression is

Depression is an emotional disorder that needs medical treatment, because it is necessary to take antidepressant drugs, under the recommendation of a psychiatrist or neurologist, in addition to being followed up with a psychotherapist or psychologist, in order to talk about the problems in order to cure depression faster.. But on a daily basis, a good conversation with a friend can also contribute to a better day.

During a depressive crisis the person has moments of ups and downs and that is why it is normal for you to be excited thinking that your friend is getting better and 2 days later you realize that he is back at the bottom. These changes are normal and expected, but they tend to be less evident when the person is coming out of depression.

2. Show your concern for the other's pain

No matter what reason your friend has become depressed, the best way to show that you care is to ask how he is doing, how he has been feeling in the past few days and what tasks he needs to do, for example. In a practical way you can offer to help with homework or daily chores.

3. Take time to be together

It is normal for a depressed person to want to get away from others and prefer to be locked up alone in the room, sleeping most of the time. This is an attempt to escape reality, but it does not work as a form of treatment. You can offer to go to his house or to meet in a quiet place, where they can be in contact with nature.

A depressed person does not like a lot of noise, nor being very close to other people, but being in a park where there are trees and grass, can be a good time to clear your mind and talk a little.

4. Understand your feelings

When a person is depressed and someone asks if everything is okay, the answer may be a flood of problems and you are under no obligation to solve any of them. A good posture at that moment is knowing how to say words of comfort like 'I'm sorry', or 'I imagine the size of your pain'. Being sincere is all that a depressed friend wants, but that is not always easy for him.

Conversations are important, but you also need not be afraid of short periods of silence. A hug or a tear of solidarity can be the most beautiful expression of love that you can give to your friend, and are sometimes more valid than words in the wind like 'you will get out of this'. Being understood is one of the greatest desires of anyone facing depression.

5. Stay in touch

Social networks can be very superficial and sometimes the phrases are misinterpreted, so the best time to talk is taking time to be side by side. But throughout the day you can send voice messages, emoticons or small messages written by messenger or whatsapp, for example.

6. Bring him food

A person in depression can get hung up on food and spend all day eating everything he sees or he can simply spend the day eating absolutely nothing. Neither of the 2 options is healthy, so you can bring a healthy sandwich with whole grain bread, white cheese, tomatoes and fresh basil leaves, for example.

Tryptophan-rich foods are excellent options to help anyone get out of pressure. Good examples are tomatoes, bananas and nuts, but you can be a complete list here.

The consumption of green banana biomass is a great home remedy for depression. Just place about 5 green bananas in a pressure cooker, cover with water and cook for about 10 minutes. Then you should peel the bananas and beat them in the blender adding a minimum amount of water. Then place this green mashed banana in ice cubes and store in the freezer or freezer. Add 1 small block of this green banana biomass to each meal.

7. Walk with him

A half-hour walk outdoors, especially when the sun is mild, is an excellent way to find time to talk and improve his self-esteem. The benefits of walking include the release of serotonin into the bloodstream and will make you both feel good. When you're walking, be gentle, but don't let your depressed friend just look at the floor.

Also watch the following video and learn how to identify teenage depression:

How to help others to get out of depression