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How to learn to like vegetables


To learn how to eat everything and change eating habits, the most important thing is not to give up and know that it takes some time for your palate to change and accept new foods such as chayote, pumpkin, jiló and broccoli, for example.

It is essential to learn to vary the diet and risk new flavors, because even apparently bad foods like jiló and broccoli are rich in nutrients that improve the health and good functioning of the body.

The tips for learning to eat everything are:

1. Persist, don't give up

It is necessary to persist in attempts to like some food, as it takes at least 10 to 15 attempts to get the taste buds used and lose the aversion to the food. It is not because you only tasted it once, that you need to exclude this food from your diet. Try again after a few days.

Try the same food at least 10 times

2. Vary the recipes

You must vary the way of preparing the food to change the flavor and the combinations with spices and other side dishes on the dish, so that you are more likely to hit and please the palate. For example: If you did not like cooked chayote, try putting pieces of chayote when making pot meat, for example. If you didn't like the raw beetroot in the salad, try eating the cooked and cold beetroot in the salad or cooking it with the beans.

Use creativity to vary recipes and how food is prepared

3. Start with small amounts

In order to try new foods or try to like something you normally have an aversion to, you should start by trying to eat in small quantities. Putting a spoonful of beet or broccoli on the plate is enough for the first few days of trying, as insisting on large amounts can further increase rejection. Another good tip is to put a piece of the vegetable and beat the blender with orange juice, for example. Strain and drink next.

Gradually increase the amount of food, starting with small portions

4. Mix with foods you like

Mixing a bad food with a good one is a great tip for learning to like the new flavor. The tasty food will help to modify the flavor of the preparation, increasing the acceptance of the bad food. For example: If you don't like cooked eggplant because you find the consistency strange, try putting a few slices of eggplant inside a lasagna.

Mix food you don't like with food you like

5. Making beautiful dishes

Preparing food with a good appearance stimulates the desire and the desire to eat, since it is first eaten with the eyes. Make colorful dishes with details in the shape and add sauces to increase your appetite. For example: If it is difficult to like salads, try to prepare a very nice dish with lettuce, tomato, onion, arugula and then add pieces of fruit that you like and drizzle with a sauce of your choice. Gradually decrease the amount of the sauce to decrease the calories of the dish and get used to the flavor of the vegetables.

Make beautiful preparations to increase the desire to eat

6. Put aromatic herbs

In addition to looking good, it is important to try to make preparations with a good aroma, adding herbs and spices that increase the desire to eat, such as lemon, ginger, curry, parsley, chives or cilantro. If you can have these herbs at home, to harvest them on the spot, the aroma will be even better, but if while cooking you get a very strong smell, try to reduce the amount you are using, because what matters is the final result.

Put aromatic herbs to enhance the smell of the food

7. Avoid excessive sweet and fatty foods

Sweet and fatty foods are easy to like and add to the taste, causing new flavors to be rejected. Thus, you should avoid the consumption of soft drinks, fast food and sweets so that your taste buds learn to like foods with less intense flavors.

It is easy to get a child to like biscuits and crisps and it may seem difficult to get them to eat fruits and vegetables. However, all these tips can be used to help children eat healthier and more nutritious, adapting their taste.

Avoid excessive consumption of sugars and fats

However, even after persisting enough the food continues to be refused and cause discomfort during the meal, you can invest in other healthy foods that are also nutritious, because the secret of healthy eating is in variety, and not just in either product.

Watch the video below and see tips for making children and adults eat what they don't like and have a varied diet.

See 7 lies about the food you believed in and stop making mistakes in your diet.

How to learn to like vegetables