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How to beat shyness


Trusting yourself and not demanding perfection are the two most important rules for overcoming shyness, a common situation that mainly affects children.

Usually the person is shy when he feels exposed and is not sure that he will be accepted even if he fails, this makes the person avoid talking and is very inhibited in situations such as presenting to someone and presenting a work at school for example.

The 8 steps you can take to stop being shy and become a more confident person are:

  1. Be positive and develop positive thinking; Be more sociable and seek to make friends; Recognize, accept and face your fears and concerns; Do not belittle yourself; Look other people in the eye; Do not demand so much of yourself; Trust yourself; Know your strengths and apply them.

Shyness can limit the quality of life, especially when it causes suffering and affects your relationship with your own family, friends or co-workers. Adopting these strategies can help a lot, but if it is not possible to maintain these thoughts and attitudes in practice, it may be indicated to seek help from a psychologist or psychoanalyst, for example.

How to beat shyness at work

To overcome shyness at work, some tips that the individual can follow can be:

  • Talk and interact with a co-worker at a time; Start with small conversations; Approach the co-workers who most arouse confidence; Show interest in listening and learning, Participate in dynamics and group activities.

At work, it is important for the individual not to be afraid to take risks and, mainly, not to charge so much.

How to overcome shyness in public speaking

To overcome shyness in public speaking, some strategies can help such as:

  • Know the subject well that you will explain; Study the subject well, imagining the questions that may be asked by the audience; Organize the presentation and write down key words; Train before the presentation in front of the mirror and then before a small audience made up of individuals with whom feel comfortable; start the presentation by telling a joke or a story that catches your eye; have a pen, a book or notes in your hands and walk around the stage so as not to show the tremors; fix your eyes on any point in the auditorium, without look at any individual in the audience; remember that the audience knows little about the subject they are presenting.

With training and the frequency of public presentations, it is possible to gain confidence and lose shyness.

In certain cases, the psychologist can be essential for the individual to be able to understand the causes of his shyness and overcome it.

How to beat shyness