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Granola: main benefits and how to prepare


The consumption of granola guarantees several health benefits, mainly with regard to the functioning of intestinal transit, combating constipation, since it is a fiber-rich food. In addition, depending on the way it is consumed, it can also assist in the process of gaining muscle mass, improving the appearance of the skin and increasing energy and the disposition for day-to-day activities.

Granola is a food made up of a mixture of crispy oats roasted in the oven, dried fruits, dehydrated fruits, seeds and honey. Other ingredients may also be included, such as dried or grated coconut, dark chocolate, peanut butter and spices. Granola is easy to prepare at home and is usually eaten for breakfast and snacks.

Home-made granola is healthier than industrialized granola, as it contains sugars, salt, fats and other components that may not be as healthy for health.

Benefits of granola

Granola, in addition to providing calories, is rich in proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, zinc and magnesium. The nutritional value of granola depends on the ingredients used in its preparation.

The main health benefits of consuming granola are:

  1. Combat and relief of symptoms of constipation, since it is rich in fibers that favor the increase in the volume of stool and intestinal transit, making the stool come out more easily. Favoring weight loss, as the fibers increase the feeling of satiety; Helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, since they lower cholesterol due to the fact that oats are rich in beta-glucans, a type of fiber that helps to lower LDL cholesterol, also called bad cholesterol, decreasing cardiovascular risk; It promotes skin rejuvenation and reduces the risk of developing cancer, as some ingredients such as coconut, nuts, chia or flaxseed seeds, for example, are rich in selenium, vitamin E and omega-3, which are antioxidants, preventing the cell damage caused by free radicals; Improves the appearance of hair, as it is rich in proteins, zinc, selenium and other minerals that contribute to the growth and health of hair fibers; It helps to improve blood pressure, because some studies indicate that fibers, as well as some ingredients such as chia seeds and oats, help in the regulation of blood pressure; It helps to regulate blood sugar depending on the ingredients that make up granola, however seeds, oats and nuts have been found in several studies that are able to favor blood sugar control and may be beneficial for people with overweight and those who are pre-diabetic; It provides energy and favors the increase of muscle mass, as it is rich in carbohydrates, proteins and good fats that provide energy and that together with the proper exercise, favors the gain of muscle mass.

It is important to keep in mind that in case industrialized granola is consumed, the benefits may not be the same, and may not even have benefits. Therefore, it is important to read the label and nutritional information carefully to choose the healthiest one, avoiding granolas that contain sugar or sweeteners. Here's how to read the label correctly.

Granola is fattening?

Granola is usually prepared with brown sugar or honey, in addition to containing ingredients that, despite being healthy, have a large amount of calories, and, therefore, their consumption in large quantities can favor weight gain.

However, it is possible to consume granola without putting on weight, giving preference to granola prepared at home with natural ingredients, as well as regulating the amount it is consumed, using 2 spoons or 30 grams of granola to consume with skimmed milk or yogurt, or to mix with the chopped fruit.

How to prepare granola?

Some ingredients that can be used in the preparation of granola are:

  • Chia, flax, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds; Dehydrated fruits like coconut, apple, cranberries , goji berries and raisins; Dried fruits like peanuts, nuts, chestnuts, almonds and hazelnuts; Spices like cinnamon and nutmeg; Cereals like rice flakes, oats, wheat bran or flaxseed; coconut oil; peanut butter.

The preparation of granola is very simple, it is only necessary to choose the ingredients and place them in a container so that they are mixed. It is indicated that the dried fruits are crushed before being mixed with the other ingredients of the granola. Then, the mixture should be placed in a tray with parchment paper and placed in the oven at 150ÂșC for about 50 to 60 minutes. Then, you should store the mixture in an airtight container.

Granola: main benefits and how to prepare