Home Bulls Dorflex icy hot: adhesive to relieve pain and inflammation

Dorflex icy hot: adhesive to relieve pain and inflammation


Dorflex Icy Hot is the commercial name of an adhesive to treat areas with pain and inflammation such as muscle pain, bruises or trauma.

Dorflex Icy Hot starts by first cooling the area to be treated and then warms it up, thus helping to reduce pain and reduce inflammation in the area.


Dorflex Icy Hot is indicated for the treatment of regions of the body where there is pain and inflammation, such as bruises or trauma, muscle pain, cramps or torticollis, in adults.


The price of Dorflex Icy Hot varies between 15 and 25 reais and can be purchased at pharmacies or online pharmacies and does not require a prescription.

How to use

To use Dorflex Icy Hot you must start by firmly gripping both ends of the adhesive and pulling gently until the film is separated in half. Then, carefully remove the smallest part of the plastic film and apply the exposed part over the region to be treated.

Finally, after gluing the smallest part of the plastic film, you must carefully remove the rest of the film, finishing to stick the adhesive to the skin.

Each patch can be left on the skin for up to 8 hours and a maximum of 3 patches per day can be used.

Side effects

Some of the side effects of Dorflex Icy Hot may include skin allergy reactions with redness, swelling or itching of the skin.


Dorflex Icy Hot is contraindicated for patients with severe skin diseases or allergies to any of the components of the formula.

In addition, the use of these adhesives is also contraindicated on injured or cracked skin.

Dorflex icy hot: adhesive to relieve pain and inflammation